The ACJ319neo and ACJ320neo are offering expansive cabin space, advanced technology, and exceptional comfort for unparalleled business travels.
ACJ320neo G-KELT is owned by Acropolis Aviation. A distinctive new aircraft, offers unparalleled performance and cabin comfort.
Two Airbus Corporate Jets variants are offered: the ACJ319neo, carrying eight passengers up to 6,750 nmi (12,500 km; 7,770 mi), and the ACJ320neo, carrying 25 up to 6,000 nmi (11,000 km; 6,900 mi).[120] The CFM LEAP or Pratt & Whitney PW1100G lower fuel-burn provides addit...
“New engines and Sharklets enable the ACJ320neo Family to link even more of the world nonstop, in a large and comfortable cabin that is the envy of other business jet manufacturers,” said ACJ President Benoit Defforge. The ACJ319neo can fly eight passengers 6,750 nm/12,500 km or 15 ...
Comlux has taken delivery of the first of three ACJ320neo1 aircraft, which will now enter VIP cabin-outfitting by Comlux Completion in Indianapolis. It is the largest customer for the ACJ320neo Family, which has already won a total of 11 orders.
In May 2015, John Leahy, then Airbus chief operating officer - customers, made his first and only visit to EBACE, to sign a single-aircraft deal that heralded the launch of the ACJ320neo family, and a new era for the corporate airliner line. The debut customer for that first re-engined...
Comlux 的订单量正在激增,仅在过去 12 个月内就签订了 9 份重大完工项目新合同。该公司在 2024 年 NBAA-BACE 上宣布,这些项目涉及新空客 ACJ TwoTwenty 的三个内饰、三个 ACJ320neo VIP 内饰以及三个维护和客舱升级 这家总部位于瑞士的公司将在印第安纳波利斯的 Comlux Completion 工厂完成这些项目。Comlux 首...
空中客车A320系列(英语:Airbus A320 family)是空中客车集团制造的一系列中短程双发动机窄体客机,系列成员包括A318、A319、A320、A321及商务客机ACJ,是空中客车最畅销的产品[4]。在A320neo系列推出后,A320系列又被称为A320ceo(Current Engine Option,当前发动机选择)。
The first neo version of the Airbus ACJ320 business jet was rolled out of the manufactuer's Hamburg facility on August 16 prior to delivery to UK high-end luxury charter operator, Acropolis Aviation. The aircraft, registered D-AVVL, has the new generation CFM International LEAP-1A engines wh...