An integrated model system based on the impact-pathway chain, EVA (Economic Valuation of Air pollution), has been developed, to assess the health-related economic externalities of air pollution resulting from specific emission sources or sectors. In this study, we apply the EVA system to Europe,...
The Impact of Air Pollution on Health Air pollution is a major concern for the health of individuals, communities, and the environment. It is a complex and multifaceted problem that affects people in different ways, depending on their age, health status, and location. The impact of air ...
However, overexposure or repeated exposure can impact negatively on existing health issues or lead to others. What causes poor indoor air quality? There are many factors that contribute to poor IAQ, in enclosed spaces. There are gaseous pollutants and then particulate matter pollutants (PM). Both...
asthma attacks, irritated throat, bronchitis, reduced lung function, coughing and chest pains are all health effects of wildfire smoke and bad air quality. And according to the EPA, it often leads to an "increased risk" of
Current air contamination levels are much higher than the WHO-prescribed AQGs, break focuses for these four air toxins [(PM), (SO2), (NO2) and (O3)] are additionally suggested for part states, particularly to develop nations in setting their nation particular air quality guidelines....
Air quality is more of a concern during the summer months when the combination of pollutants in the air and heat creates dangerous conditions. The impact of wildfires on air quality Wildfires produce air pollution in the form of smoke. This smoke creates hazy conditions outside, and is full ...
In a project exploring the relationship between air quality and human health, we need to consider various pollutants. Which pollutant, which is also related to chemical reactions in the atmosphere, has the most significant impact on the respiratory system?
indoor air quality; atmospheric chemistry; atmospheric modeling and prediction; air pollution climatology; climate change and air quality; air pollution measurement; atmospheric impact assessment; forest-fire emissions; atmospheric science; greenhouse gases; health and ecological effects; clean air technology...
Air Quality Atmosphere And Health ISSN:1873-9318 E-ISSN:1873-9326 是否OA:未开放 出版地区:NETHERLANDS 创刊时间:2008 是否预警:否 出版周期:12 issues per year 语言:English 研究方向:ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 《空气质量 大气与健康》(Air Quality Atmosphere And Health)是一本以ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES综合研究为...
摘要: Air quality in Hong Kong and the impact of pollution on health 1988-1997. In Air pollution & health in rapidly developing countries. In: G McGranahan and F Murray, eds, p. 176-188. London, UK: Earthscan Publications Ltd, 2003...