S.; Bonlokke, J. H.; Sigsgaard, T. et al. (2014): Air Quality Effects on Human Health. In: Douw G. Steyn und Rohit Mathur (Hg.): Air pollution modeling and its application XXIII. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing (Springer Proceedings in Complexity)....
It is imperative for policymakers, healthcare professionals, and the public to work together to address this pressing issue and implement measures to improve air quality and protect human health. Only through collective efforts can we hope to mitigate the effects of air pollution and create a ...
Considering the profound effects that air quality has on human immune systems, as many as half of all illnesses are either aggravated or directly caused by indoor air pollution. Here are some facts about the relationship between indoor air quality and health....
asthma attacks, irritated throat, bronchitis, reduced lung function, coughing and chest pains are all health effects of wildfire smoke and bad air quality. And according to the EPA, it often leads to an "increased risk" of
reduction via land use for forest fires and related air pollution50, indoor air quality and corresponding human health outcomes51,52, the effects of acidification and eutrophication on ecosystems (SDG15), and the impact of air pollution on human capital formation and on-the-job performance53,54....
Indoor air quality is closely associated with human With the inereasing of the living standards of the residents, the indoor air pollution and its hazands are inereasingly serious. This paper introduces the indoor air pollution soures and their effects on human health. 被引量: 4 年份: 1999...
environmental quality directly affects human Health. With the improvement of material life of mankind, decoration pollution and the universality and severity of microbial contamination has reached alarming proportions. Based on the work in the monitoring of indoor air pollution causes and effects on h[...
Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health is a multidisciplinary journal focusing on atmospheric consequences of human activities and their implications for human and ecological health. The journal addresses such topics as acid precipitation; airborne particulate matter; air quality monitoring and management; exposu...
These pollutants are thought to have adverse effects on human health. Asbestos Formaldehyde (in many consumer products) Airborne pesticide residues Chloroform Perchloroethylene Paradichlorobenzene 16.9 Indoor Air Pollution Smoking is the most important pollutant. Weatherizing to increase efficiency slows air...
Environmental quality is an important determinant of individuals’ well-being and one of the main concerns of the governments is the improvement on ai