A contemporary newspaper article described the event: LONDON, October 16. The airship Clement Bayard II., carrying seven passengers, has made a remarkable journey from Compiegne, 52 miles to the north-east of Paris, to London, alighting at Shepherd’s Bush, five miles to the west of St. ...
The newspapers presented 83.33% of the articles on air pollution as straight news. The level and style of reportage are not enough to create public awareness and provoke public discourse and government action on air pollution in the country....
With thousands of construction projects going on all the time, typical city pollution, grease from millions of restaurants, pets throwing dander everywhere, and more than a few cigarettes, the air out there is already a potential hotbed of allergens, irritants and other not-so-nice particulate m...
Peter Arno’s cover illustration for The New Yorker’s final issue of 1929 aptly captured the mood of that decade’s last days. Dec. 28, 1929 cover by Peter Arno. As we’ve seen in the pages of the magazine in 1928 and 1929, people were growing weary of Jazz Age frivolity even bef...
I have been researching the net to find some information but I didn't managed so I decided to write to you. Once I've read in the newspaper about something really interesting for me. It was an interview in which a guy described his flight from Europe to the US. There were really seri...
What do you think of when you hear the word 'route'? What do you think about what you read? What would the most dangerous air route be? How can airlines cut the pollution they create? What is the best airline in the world?
Safra Fountain Court and River Terrace, it will explore big questions and ideas about sustainability, migration, pollution, energy, cities, and social equality. Visitors will enjoy engaging and interactive installations, innovations and proposed design solutions from 40 countries, cities and territories ...
The man got the idea after seeing pollution in China on the news. T / F c. The industry the man is in is called 'air harvesting'. T / F d. The air costs $115 for a litre bottle. T / F e. The man was born in the middle of the city of London. T / F f. The man now...
In its ongoing commitment to raise awareness about air pollution, E.ON has launched its Air Care Research, featuring the views of more than 4,000 people across the country, which found almost two thirds (62%) of people say they miss how clear the air was during the first national lock...
“Do we want plants to make more isoprene so they’re more resilient, or do we want them making less so it’s not making air pollution worse? What’s the right balance?” Sharkey asked. “Those are really the fundamental questions driving this work. The more we understand, the...