Nature News, 537(7620), 301. Article CAS Google Scholar Partel, V., Charan Kakarla, S., & Ampatzidis, Y. (2019). Development and evaluation of a low-cost and smart technology for precision weed management utilizing artificial intelligence. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 157, 339...
We examine the relationship between common sources of airborne pollution and population mortality in present day England. The current air quality limit values are low by both historical and international standards, and these are set at levels which are believed not to be harmful to health. We ...
Air pollution is one of major environmental issues in the twenty-first century due to global industrialization and urbanization. Its mitigation necessitate
Countries with highest human population density in the world today face many problem, traffic congestion and air pollution is the most concern. Land Scarcity and water problem have increased as well. There are also high prices on sale of houses and rentals. Healthcare, illegal immigration and ag...
adminPosted inHealth,News,Pollution What Global Harming Has in Store for Our Grandchildren As this decade 2020 promises to be decisive in terms of climate, we invite you to imagine what the future could be like at the end of the 21st century. A distant future for you. But so present for...
The Health Effects Institute (HEI) has released the annual State of Global Air (SoGA) 2019 report and website. This year’s report includes the latest results on air pollution exposure and its health burden around the world based on the 2017 GBD (Global
Air Quality in the Era of Climate Change Edited byAnastasia Paschalidou 18 February 2025 Environmental Toxicology 2025: Harmony in the ecosystem: exploring ecotoxicological aspects and one health dynamics in the face of environmental pollution
Biodeterioration of buildings and public health implications caused by indoor air pollution. Indoor Built Environ. 2017;27:752–65. Article Google Scholar Pasanen A-L, Juutinen T, Jantunen MJ, Kalliokoski P. Occurrence and moisture requirements of microbial growth in building materials. Int Bio...
Biofertilizers fit into this context as a viable, healthy, and pollution-free option, currently being considered the best substitute for chemical fertilizers. Among the various types of biofertilizers, formulations based on microorganisms, including cyanobacteria and microalgae, have been growing substantia...
These emissions can further potentially interact with one another, resulting in a higher load on the circumambient atmosphere and on its naturally occurring constituents like carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and ozone that can be the indirect impact of warming [12]. Moreover, air pollution caused ...