Air pollution inequality and its temporal trends in Nordic countriesAnna StrandellKimmo NurmioIsabel Seifert-DhnnIngvild Skumlien FurusethRaoul WolfStefan strmJrgen BrandtThrostur ThorsteinssonAllan TimmermannLise Marie Frohn
Taking direct and indirect emissions both into account, residents in the highest income brackets of rural and urban areas are related to 1.1 and 3.3 times more deaths than residents in the lowest income groups, respectively. Figure3further shows the inequality of air pollution-related deaths due t...
Air pollutionenvironmental Inequalityhealthpanel regressionI18K32This paper uses panel regression to examine the adverse health effects of fine particles moderated by household income. To identify the causal effect, we employ data from two sources, Korea Health Panel and AirKorea, during the period ...
This study examines the environmental inequality, which is associated with air pollution in Denmark, by modelling street concentrations at addresses of all households in Denmark, and correlating the findings on key air quality pollutants to individual household income. The study furthermore analyses the...
Air pollution remains as a substantial health problem, particularly regarding the combined health risks arising from simultaneous exposure to multiple air pollutants. However, understanding these combined exposure events over long periods has been hindered by sparse and temporally inconsistent monitoring data...
Air pollution affects residents’ health to varying extents according to differences in socioeconomic status. However, there has been a lack of research on whether air pollution contributes to unfair health costs. In this research, data from the China La
Indoor Air Pollution from Unprocessed Solid Fuel Use and Pneumonia Risk in Children Aged under Five Years: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis/Pollution ... Introduction With annual deaths from pneumonia in children under 5 years old exceeding 2... M Dherani,D Pope,M Mascarenhas,... - ...
Inequality, Information Failures, and Air PollutionResearch spanning several disciplines has repeatedly documented disproportionate pollution exposure in low-income communities and communities of color. Among thHausman, CatherineStolper, SamuelSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
urban areas around Beijing and Delhi, we find that people's economic welfare and political rights are affected disproportionally not only by toxic air pollutants, but also through various policy interventions, market activities, and social practices designed to reduce or adapt to air pollution. Drawin...
The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3.9 calls for a substantial reduction in deaths attributable to PM2.5 pollution (DAPP). However, DAPP projections vary greatly and the likelihood of meeting SDG3.9 depends on complex interactions am