The rank of airman brings with it the responsibility of adjusting to the Air Force way of military life and becoming proficient in an Air Force occupational specialty. Upon leaving basic training, all airmen enter training at Air Force schools in their specialties ("jobs"), depending on their ...
Air Force print news (Oct. 19, 2005): personnel center will conduct Force Shaping Board * Creating a new Air Force specialty code (AFSC) to handle UDM responsibilities Changing the face of unit deployment manager responsibilities More results ► Acronyms browser ? ▲ AIPSYS AIPT AIPTAC AIPTD... Each MAJCOM headquarters/Numbered Air Force (NAF)/Air Force Component Head- quarters (AFCHQ)/FOA/DRU is authorized to operate a separate, dedicated command center without waiver to this AFI when collocation with the host unit CP is not practical; however, MAJ- COMs/NAFs/AFCHQs/...