Education is important to the Air Force More than any other branch of the military (in my experience at least), and increasingly more and more each year, education is highly valued in the Air Force. There is a section on the Enlisted Performance Report (EPR – a yearly review of your pe...
[multicolor_pregress width_1=”62″ width_2=”38″ text_1=”Male – 62%” text_2=”Female – 38%” bg_color_1=”#5548E0″ bg_color_2=”#F75EEB”] 8T0XX – Professional Military Education Instructor [multicolor_pregress width_1=”62″ width_2=”38″ text_1=”Male – 62%” ...
Great branch of service better jobs and more room for career advancement Also, the Air Force offers more certificates than any other branch What is the most stressful part about working at the company? working with a large diverse group of people. ...
Active Duty F-16 Instructor Pilot, then civilian GS (离职员工) - All over - 2022年7月1日 What is the best part of working at the company?The Air Force is not what it used to be. Now it's a bastion for wokeness and pansies. I would avoid going into any branch of the service un...
The Air Force is a great way to learn a new skill if you don't have any but at least for my job as a Radar, Airfield, and Weather systems technician growth stops you don't get a better understanding of the job and you become a manager without knowing how to preform job. I hope...
I have loved working for the Air Force, from when I was enlisted to my current civilian career. It used to be a fantastic work-life balance (it's not anymore thanks to the current administration). I've been lucky to have great leadership and coworkers, the job itself is a lot to l...
This information is current as of 30 April 2015 and is taken from the Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory (AFECD) with that date. AFSCASVAB 1S0X1 – Safety G: 55 2S0X1 – Materiel Management A: 31 G: 44 2T0X1 – Traffic Management A: 35 2T1X1 – Vehicle Operations M: 40 ...
Also, in basic training, when addressing an MTI (Military Training Instructor), the first words out of your mouth are always the reporting statement. That doesn't mean every sentence begins with the reporting statement—just at the beginning of the conversation. For example, your TI yells, "...
where a base “fires up” all their aircraft and puts them out on the runway for a photo op. And yes, I know that I will get all sorts of arguments in favor of these things. They are good for morale, good for PR, good for a show of force to our enemies, yadda, yadda, ...
Back at Langley, TAC CT-39 pilots became taffy between the Det and their bosses on the staff. The Det nominally scheduled their TAC help for two-four flying days a month. About once a quarter, you had a “local proficiency sortie.” This typically consisted of an Instructor Pilot from th...