Education is important to the Air Force More than any other branch of the military (in my experience at least), and increasingly more and more each year, education is highly valued in the Air Force. There is a section on the Enlisted Performance Report (EPR – a yearly review of your pe...
[multicolor_pregress width_1=”62″ width_2=”38″ text_1=”Male – 62%” text_2=”Female – 38%” bg_color_1=”#5548E0″ bg_color_2=”#F75EEB”] 8T0XX – Professional Military Education Instructor [multicolor_pregress width_1=”62″ width_2=”38″ text_1=”Male – 62%” ...
Special Duty Assignments are usually jobs that a member performs temporarily, working outside of their normal AFSC. When the special duty tour is completed, members usually return to their primary AFSC (enlisted job). Examples would be a recruiter, first sergeant, or military training instructor. ...
“In order to bridge the operational planning knowledge gaps across the Air Force, the door is being opened wider to allow for Air Force officers to retain previously held AFSCs while still getting the full training complement of all-domain and joint operational planning,” said ...
Jobs identified varied primarily on the basis of specialization in the areas of Control Tower, Radar, Supervisory, Perimeter Acquisition Radar, Combat Control Team, Mobile, Terminal Instrument Procedures, Analysis, or Instructor functions. In addition, several job types and/or subjob types were ...
Back at Langley, TAC CT-39 pilots became taffy between the Det and their bosses on the staff. The Det nominally scheduled their TAC help for two-four flying days a month. About once a quarter, you had a “local proficiency sortie.” This typically consisted of an Instructor Pilot from th...
where a base “fires up” all their aircraft and puts them out on the runway for a photo op. And yes, I know that I will get all sorts of arguments in favor of these things. They are good for morale, good for PR, good for a show of force to our enemies, yadda, yadda, ...
The command became the Air Force Special Weapons Center (AFSWC) on April 1, 1952, and was a unit of the Air Research and Development Command ARDC). The Special Weapons Center assumed management of Air Force Systems Command's (AFSC) test and evaluation facilities at Holloman AFB, near ...
文档标签: 概念帮助作战概andAir空军airAND 系统标签: conops司令部空军作战aircommand AirEducationandTrainingCommand AirEducationandTrainingCommand Integrity-Service-Excellence SustainingtheCombatCapabilityofAmerica’sAirForce HighFidelity HighFidelity MaintenanceTrainers MaintenanceTrainers ColonelJimSilva 28Oct2003 2 ...