1943年02月03日(美国) 导演 霍华德·霍克斯 又名空军Air Force编剧 达德利·尼科尔斯Leah Baird 主演 约翰·里德格利吉格·扬阿瑟·肯尼迪查尔斯·德拉克哈里·凯瑞 剧情 剧情简介好莱坞在二次世界大战期间拍摄的最佳抗战宣传片之一。导演霍华德.霍克斯真实地拍摄了美国空军B-17轰炸机“玛丽安"号及有关的轰炸药小组...
Air Force UR 2h4m 1943 82% PRICING SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Confirm current pricing with applicable retailer. All transactions subject to applicable license terms and conditions. See retailer for details. See Retailers Preview Wishlist Rotten Tomatoes® Score ...
Stacker dug into a variety of primary documents, news reports, studies, and historical accounts to take a closer look at the varied and fascinating history of the U.S. Air Force.
For the 1997 film, see Air Force One (film). For the Nike sneaker, see Nike Air Force. For other uses, see Air Force One (disambiguation).【参考译文】关于目前最常作为“空军一号”使用的飞机,请参阅“波音VC-25”词条。关于1997年的电影,请参阅“《空军一号》(电影)”词条。关于耐克运动鞋,请...
Ever wanted to experience a day in the life of the Royal Air Force Police? Or stand underneath a C-130 Hercules aircraft as it lands? Now you can with the Royal Air Force’s first-ever 360 immersive film. The video is a thrilling showcase of the incredible work the Royal Air Force ...
The Royal Air Force film production unit, 1941–45.doi:10.1080/01439689700260701Keith BuckmanTaylor & Francis GroupHistorical Journal Of Film Radio and Television
When Albie died in September 2018, I had the privilege of giving his eulogy and our local veteran associations, The South African Legion, The Memorable Order of Tin Hats and The South African Air Force Association all saw him off. A true warrior of the sky, and one of the very last of...
爱给网提供海量的创意片库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的美国空军: 盒式胶片(US Air Force: Case Film), 本站编号40071994, 该创意片库素材大小为33m, 时长为01分 38秒, 分辨率为1280*720, 作者为beaconsound, 更多精彩创意片库素材,尽在爱给网。
Story of the experiences of a B-17 navigator with the U. S. Eighth Air Force in Europe during WW2, with photos taken during his tour of duty and news articles describing his missions. Also included are sections showing aircraft photos and war posters.
he bravado may be amped up and exaggerated beyond anything even remotely realistic, but “Air Force One” still ranks as one of the best hijack movies ever made. The special effects are dated and the use of heroic one-liners may be clichéd (“Get off my plane!”), but it helps that...