Air Force 导演:Howard Hawks 主演:约翰·里德格利 / 吉格·杨 / 阿瑟·肯尼迪 / 查尔斯·德拉克 / 哈里·凯瑞 配音语言:英语 字幕语言:中文,英文 影片长度:124分钟 发行日期:1943年 介质:DVD 碟片数量:1张 国家地区:美国 画质情况:清晰 库存:有货 ...
空中堡垒AirForce1943,霍华德·霍克斯执导二战经典,约翰·里德格利等群星演绎空中英勇,剧情动作历史战争一网打尽,豆瓣7.2分好评推荐! 我这里有一份它的高清全集无删减的完整可播放资源,已完结完整版全集,不卡顿无广告,可以光速免费在线观看,点击[空中堡垒 Air Force 1943 mp4]来看看吧~...
Air Force《空中堡垒(1943)》完整中英文对照剧本 下载积分: 3000 内容提示: 二战中最结实的飞机轰炸机。 B-17 空中堡垒是美国波音为美国陆军航♥空♥队制♥造♥的四引擎重型轰炸机。美军在 1930 年代提出 200 架轰炸机的生产合约,当时参与竞争还有道格拉斯和格伦·L·马丁,最终波音设计...
1943年02月03日(美国) 导演 霍华德·霍克斯 又名空军Air Force编剧 达德利·尼科尔斯Leah Baird 主演 约翰·里德格利吉格·扬阿瑟·肯尼迪查尔斯·德拉克哈里·凯瑞 剧情 剧情简介好莱坞在二次世界大战期间拍摄的最佳抗战宣传片之一。导演霍华德.霍克斯真实地拍摄了美国空军B-17轰炸机“玛丽安"号及有关的轰炸药小组...
TUESDAY, 12 JANUARY 1943ZI - ZONE OF INTERIOR (11AF): In the Aleutians, two B-24s cover a small US Army and Navy force landing unopposed at Amchitka. Two B-25s and four P-38 escorts alson on the cover Mission turn back due to weather. Weather reconnaissance is flown over Attu, ...
Brown was promoted to lieutenant, 1 April 1943. After a number of operational assignments, Lieutenant Brown was assigned to the Naval Test Squadron at the Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment, Boscombe Down, in December 1943. The following month Brown was named Chief Naval Test Pilot ...
Air forceArmyArmy operationsBattlesGermany(East and west)Military operationsMissionsIn the course of the crucial battles in the East at the close of 1942, the only important mission assigned to the Luftwaffe was that of providing for the support of the Army, usually direct support on the field ...
Air Force 1“Linen”2025版 1.设计背景:🖇️这款鞋是耐克经典的Air Force 1系列中的一款特别配色版本,最初于2001年在日本地区独家发售,其独特的粉棕撞色设计和稀有性,成为较火热的鞋款。📌今年这款经典配色以全新面貌回归,采用棕褐色帆布材质替代原版皮革,既保留了原始色调,又通过材质革新强化了休闲质感。
Flying the Boeing B-47 This comprehensive training film was produced by the US Air Force to familiarize pilots and aircrew transitioning from prop driven aircraft like the B-29 to the new world of the B-47, the USAF's first jet bomber. B-47 Combat Maneuvers NEW! See the big B-47 do...
Northrop T-38A-40-NO Talon 61-0849 being towed from the restoration hangar to display site at the Air Force Flight Test Museum. (Rebecca Amber/U.S. Air Force) Walter Fletcher Daniel was born in 1925. He entered the U.S. Army Air Corps in 1943 and was trained as a fighter pilot. ...