Hackney carried the pilot back to the helicopter to begin their retreat. They had to hurry because it was rapidly becoming dark. Before they could clear enemy air space, anti-aircraft artillery struck the helicopter, filling the compartment with smoke and fire. Hackney strapped his own parachute ...
Escorted bombers, made fighter sweeps, engaged in interdiction of the enemy's lines of communications, flew armed reconnaissance sorties, conducted counter-air patrols, served as an air defense organization, and provided close support for ground forces. One member of the group, Maj George A Davis...
As 1st BN saw its deployment extended, members of Alpha Battery, 5th Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment prepared for their return from Europe’s eastern flank in Poland, Slovakia and Romania back to Ansbach, Germany this week. ...
Russia’s aggression and eventual invasion of Ukraine added new complexities to the AOC’s typical work. On top of the U.S. Air Force’s usual air policing flights and routine training in Europe, airmen at the ops center had to juggle a higher volume of air and missile ...
The Armed Security Officer Program is a very specialized transportation security program created under TSA in partnership with the Department of Defense that focuses on Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA) in Arlington, Virginia. Because of this airport’s proximity to the nation’s capital...
Britain’s Defense Ministry said it had seen an increase in Russian air and artillery strikes on populated urban areas over the past two days. It also said three cities — Kharkiv, Kherson and Mariupol — were encircled by Russian forces. ...