black spots. While a significant number of jaguars survive here, they are only one on at least 87 species, including frogs. Thesefrogs, in turn, feed on insects which eat leavesand fruit. When a jaguar dies, a tiny ...
中共中央(The Communist Party of China Central Committee)、国务院(the State Council)、中央军委(the Central Military Commission)决定,给聂海胜同志颁发“一级航天功勋奖章(Service Medal)”,给刘伯明同志颁发“二级航天功勋奖章”,授予汤洪波同志“英雄航天员”荣誉称号并颁发“三级航天功勋奖章”。聂海胜和刘伯明此前...
Army, Navy & Marine Corps:Commendation Medals Air Medal ribbon (above) - Reverse side of medal (below) Criteria[edit source] DuringWorld War IIthe medal's award criteria varied widely depending on the theater of operations, the aircraft flown, and the missions accomplished. In Europe some bomb...
Bronze Star Medals; the Purple Heart; three awards of the Meritorious Service Medal; four Air Medals; five Army Commendation Medals; the Cross of Gallantry; the Combat Infantry Badge; the Master Parachutist Badge; the Vietnam Service Medal with nine stars, and the Southwest Asia Service Medal....
air force the part of the armed services which uses aircraft.the army, navy and air force.fuerzas aéreas ˈair-gunnoun a gun that is worked by air under pressure.pistola de aire comprimido air hostess a young woman who looks after passengers in an aircraft.azafata de avión ...
Define Air Medal. Air Medal synonyms, Air Medal pronunciation, Air Medal translation, English dictionary definition of Air Medal. n. A decoration awarded by the US Army, Air Force, or Navy for meritorious conduct in flight operations. American Heritage
Originally, the Air Force started out as a smaller specialized unit within the Army. Post World War II, in 1947 the Air Force was established as an individual branch of the Military. The Air Force today maintains a commitment to keeping global vigilance, reach and power. The Air Force is ...
Define US Army. US Army synonyms, US Army pronunciation, US Army translation, English dictionary definition of US Army. Noun 1. US Army - the army of the United States of America; the agency that organizes and trains soldiers for land warfare U. S. Army,
Define air mission. air mission synonyms, air mission pronunciation, air mission translation, English dictionary definition of air mission. See: mission, Part 3. Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005
(Military) the military forces of a nation or nations, including the army, navy, air force, marines, etc Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...