Enter a Air China Cargo tracking number to track your package Back to couriers list How to track my Air China Cargo package? Air China Cargo package tracking is easy with Ordertracker, all you have to do is to paste your tracking number in the above field to track a package or go to ...
Air cargo numbers have the format 123-12345678 We use the first 3 digits to automatically send the request to the correct airline If the airline is not supported or you want to select a specific airline you can do this manually after tracking ...
China AirlinesCI 297 China Cargo AirlinesCK 112 (more tracking) China Eastern AirlinesMU 781 China Southern AirlinesCZ 784 (more tracking) CMA CGM Air Cargo2C 003 CobaltairCO 354 Condor FlugdienstDE 881 Copa Airlines CargoCM 230 CorsairSS 923 ...
Tracking number: Frequently asked questions:How to track China Airlines Cargo air cargo?You can track China Airlines Cargo shipments by air waybill document number (AWB). China Airlines Cargo AWB starts with airline prefix '297' followed by eight digits. For example, 297-12345675....
Air cargo tracking是一种通过航空公司的官网或指定查询系统,输入AWB号(航空货运单号)来追踪和监控航空运输货物的状态和位
Tracking number: Frequently asked questions:How to track China Cargo Airlines air cargo?You can track China Cargo Airlines shipments by air waybill document number (AWB). China Cargo Airlines AWB starts with airline prefix '112' followed by eight digits. For example, 112-12345675....
Air cargo use a numbering system consisting of 3+8 digits. The tree leading digits indicates which company the shipment belongs to. Airline to track for is selected automatically based on the number entered. Enter number here Click to track with the possibility to select a different airline afte...
空运货物查询空运货物一站式查询 & 一次查询多个包裹 & 为开发者提供API接口查询 例如 065-48023485, 232-50779330, 297-80083500 点击查看空运API查询接口 目前已支持查询公司数量为 83 实时航班查询 784-45432100 Unknown Unknown The query is too frequent, please try again later ...
NotFound 卢森堡航空 Unknown → Unknown 您提交的单号查询不到跟踪信息。查物流轨迹,就用51Tracking开始免费体验 联系我们 service@51tracking.org 扫码添加企业微信客服 产品服务 API文档 API工具 物流术语 跨境电商工具 联盟计划 特色功能 偏远地区查询 航空货物查询 运输时效查询 联系我们 关于我们 帮助中心 博...
Enter your Air Waybill number below and select Track. To track multiple shipments, you can enter up to 10 Air Waybill numbers, each separated by a comma. NOTICE: UPS authorizes you to use UPS tracking systems solely to track shipments tendered by or for you to UPS for arrival to destinatio...