China AirlinesCI 297 China Cargo AirlinesCK 112 (more tracking) China Eastern AirlinesMU 781 China Southern AirlinesCZ 784 (more tracking) CMA CGM Air Cargo2C 003 CobaltairCO 354 Condor FlugdienstDE 881 Copa Airlines CargoCM 230 CorsairSS 923 ...
Airlines A-BAirlines C-EAirlines F-MAirlines N-SAirlines T-Z Air Cargo Tracking A-B Aban AirK5 710 ACG Air Cargo Germany6U 730 Adria AirwaysJP 165 Aegean AirlinesA3 390 Aer Lingus CargoEI 053 (alternate tracking site) Aero-CharterDW 187 (use format: 187-88888888) ...
How it works Air cargo numbers have the format 123-12345678 We use the first 3 digits to automatically send the request to the correct airline If the airline is not supported or you want to select a specific airline you can do this manually after tracking ...
加航从北京到温哥华的直飞航班恢复了!搭乘北美最适合家庭出行的航空公司,领略加拿大所有的自然奇观。 立即预订 还在寻找那个特别的目的地吗?就让我们载您前往。 180+ 个目的地 1,000+ 班每日航班 6 大洲 踏上探索之旅 刷新您对舒适的定义 加拿大航空尊享商务舱提供优质的餐饮服务,丰富多元的娱乐内容和可完全平躺的...
Airway Cargo Tracking Supports more than 200 major airlines worldwide. Milestones:Booking, Cargo Received, Departure, Arrived, Document Received, Receive From Flight, Arrival Notify, Cargo Delivered. Standard dynamic & location codes. AWB# can automatically identify the airline. Seaway Cargo Tracking Su...
南航货运携手广州白云机场海关召开推进空港物流发展座谈会 南航货运和法荷马丁航货运建立航线网络战略合作伙伴关系 南航成为国际航协CARGO 2000正式会员 “提前申报、货到验放”新通关模式,助广州空港物流提速 南航新开广州-维也纳-法兰克福货运航线 今年情人节或成“最贵”?南航广州航班仍日出港50吨 南航护送美国生大熊猫...
Tracking number: Frequently asked questions:How to track China Airlines Cargo air cargo?You can track China Airlines Cargo shipments by air waybill document number (AWB). China Airlines Cargo AWB starts with airline prefix '297' followed by eight digits. For example, 297-12345675....
Airway Cargo Tracking Supports more than 200 major airlines worldwide. Milestones:Booking, Cargo Received, Departure, Arrived, Document Received, Receive From Flight, Arrival Notify, Cargo Delivered. Standard dynamic & location codes. AWB# can automatically identify the airline. ...
Partner airlines offering service to over 150 destinations around the world Security screening of cargo Electronic connection to CHIEF allowing fastest possible customs clearance Cargo tracking giving you full visibility of your products in transit
Tracking number: Frequently asked questions:How to track China Cargo Airlines air cargo?You can track China Cargo Airlines shipments by air waybill document number (AWB). China Cargo Airlines AWB starts with airline prefix '112' followed by eight digits. For example, 112-12345675....