Yes, you can get Aimbot with Cronus Zen. Cronus Zen enables Aimbot for Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS5, PS4, PS3, Nintendo Switch, and Windows PC. Aimbot automatically aims at your enemies, so you don’t have to aim manually at them. Also, Aimbot enables aim assist w...
Players are making AA sound like its the most OP thing ever, while it does need some balancing, its not that strong compared to what players can do with a strikepack, xim, cronus zen, etc.The only thing I've read so far that I agreed with was what @Sirdodos said, wh...
还要用这个,Acoustic Revive RLT-1K (网路插孔噪讯消除器) 如果有人发现有更便宜好听的设 1111 游戏转接器吧 Mcloud0614 跨平台游戏转接器:Cronus Zen对比评述(一) 引言 大家好,今天要介绍的是CronusMax Plus转接器(下称CMP)的下一代产品:Cronus Zen。熟悉CMP的朋友会知道CMP是一款上市时令人惊艳的产品,它不仅...