Aim Assist Adjustable Values Aim Assist: Aim Strength (1 - 50):Set the strength of Aim Assist while aiming down sights and not firing. This controls intensity of the right stick movement. Higher values will shake more and be noticeable onscreen. This is in general good for close range and...
Zoom in or aim down the sights of a sniper rifle, then firing automatically immediately after.MOUSE & KEYBOARD INSANE ACCURACY& PRECISION Brand New Engine - Amazing Control & Accuracy Connect Direct to Your Console - No PC RequiredA PC is only required to setup your Cronus Zen, it is not...
Aim Assist Adjustable Values Aim Assist: Adjust Strength (1 - 100): Aim Assist strength sets how much shake your crosshairs will have. # Option Description Adjustable 0 Disabled Aim Assist & Quick Toggle is Disabled No 1 Aim Assist Aim Assist is Enabled Yes ...
Aim Assist & Aim Assist Plus Adjustable Values Aim Assist: Strength (1 - 50): Aim Assist circular strength should always be set greater than your in-game deadzone. Works with both Aim Assist and Aim Assist Plus. Aim Assist Plus: Smoothness (2 - 90): This is the amount of degrees Aim...
Aim Assist Adjustable Values Aim Assist Strength: Adjustable (1 - 100): This sets the strength that is applied to the Aim Assist which will make your crosshairs shake. # Option Description Adjustable 0 Disabled Aim Assist & Quick Toggle is Disabled No 1 Controller Aim Assist (Controller) is ...
The GCI either pops up every time you program a GamePack to a memory slot, or when you click on the memory slot number in Zen Studio. This is a really quick way to setup all your preferred defaults from the get-go. GamePack Default Settings:All default values are optimized for console...
Includes a new Active Fire Mod System, Aim-Assist, Anti-Recoil, Burst Fire, Shot Mods, Auto Sprint and Hair Triggers. All button layouts and Stick Layouts.