法官艾琳·坎农(Aileen Cannon)解密文件,显示拜灯的白宫与杰克·史密斯合作“击倒特朗普” 1. 杰克·史密斯隐瞒了国家档案局与拜灯政府就起诉唐纳德·特朗普进行过几次对话的事实 2. 美国司法部长梅里克·加兰德谎称“...
联邦法官AILEEN CANNON今天确定了对前总统特朗普涉嫌不当处理机密文件的审判的开庭日期。相关庭审将于2024 年 5 月 20 日在佛罗里达州皮尔斯堡进行。对特朗普而言,这不是什么好事 -- 他的团队此前一直要求法院将庭审日期推迟到2024年的大选之后。如今的这个时间点虽然一些重点州的初选投票已结束,但却是在共和党提名党...
法官阻止公布关于特朗普刑事案件的报告 | 今日美国2025-1-7:华盛顿 —— 一名联邦法官命令司法部特别检察官杰克·史密斯不要公开发布他对当选总统唐纳德·特朗普的调查报告,直到她有机会考虑有关已被驳回的指控的报告的论点。美国地区法官艾琳·坎农 (Aileen Cannon) 命令司法部长梅里克·加兰 (Merrick Garland) 和史密...
【快讯】一名美国联邦法官驳回了有关唐纳德·特朗普对机密信息处理不当的指控,并认定任命Jack Smith为特别检察官这一举动是违宪的。在特朗普加紧竞选活动力争再度入主白宫之际,美国佛州地区法院女法官Aileen Cannon(附图中C位)周一的行政命令终结了针对这位前总统的四起刑事案件之一。这一裁决正值特朗普准备在于威斯康辛州的...
美国当地时间周一,佛罗里达南区联邦地区法院法官艾琳·坎农(AileenCannon)发布裁定文书,以"违宪"的名义,驳回拜登政府司法部起诉特朗普"非法持有机密文件"的案子。 【机构揭秘OpenAI年收翻倍奥秘付费用户数已接近千万级别】 调研机构FutureSearch近期发布的报告称,在OpenAI 34亿美元的年度经常性收入中,有19亿美元(约55%)来...
A proposed personnel roster circulating within Donald Trump's campaign and transition operation lists Aileen Cannon, the federal judge who threw out Trump's classified documents case, as a possible candidate for attorney general, multiple sources familiar with the matter have...
Judge Aileen Cannon blocked the Justice Department from sharing with four top lawmakers Jack Smith’s report reviewing his investigation into President Trump’s mishandling of classified records.
Cannondismissed the caseon the first day of the Republican National Convention in July, on the grounds that Smith's appointment as special counsel overseeing the case was unconstitutional because he was not appointed by the president or confirmed by Cong...
Judge Aileen Cannon is refusing to recuse herself from the criminal case against the man accused of trying to assassinate Donald Trump, saying she has no relationship with the former president who nominated her to the federal bench and that she doesn’t control what he says about her. ...
U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon — a Trump appointee —was randomly assignedthe attempted assassination case Tuesday after a grand jury in Miami returneda five-count indictmentagainst Ryan Routh in connection with the Sept. 15 incident at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, ...