Trump nominated Cannon as a U.S. district judge for the Southern District of Florida in 2020 and has repeatedly praised her for dismissing the 40 criminal counts brought by special counsel Jack Smith related to Trump's handling of classified materials after leaving the...
Judge Aileen Cannon chastised special counselJack Smith’steam Tuesday for what she described as failing to meaningfully reach out to former President Trump’s attorneyson a motionto limit his speech in the classified documents case after Trump claimed law enforcement had the p...
While the government will be able to clear Cannon’s procedural formality, the bigger question will be how she receives the substance of the presumably forthcoming motion. Given herhandling of the case thus farand the tone of her latest order, Smith may have a tough task ...
U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon — a Trump appointee —was randomly assignedthe attempted assassination case Tuesday after a grand jury in Miami returneda five-count indictmentagainst Ryan Routh in connection with the Sept. 15 incident at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, ...
But Trump-appointed judge Aileen Cannon has been so solicitous of Trump’s interests and so slow in handing down rulings that she has all but assured that this case, too, won’t go to trial until after the election. In the process, Cannon’s contortions in favor of Trump may have sing...
U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon broke new ground this week when shedismissed Donald Trump’s classified documents caseon the rationale that special counsel Jack Smith was unlawfully appointed. Now,Hunter Bidenwants the same treatment for his criminal cases brought by a...
| 没想到直接在程序上打掉川普的机密文件案!佛罗里达州的联邦地院法官(U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon)认定特别检察官Jack Smith 任命未经由国会授权,是不合法的任命,自然该检察官对川普的搜索调查乃至于40项重罪指控都不合法,驳回该检察官的起诉。釜底抽薪,直接来个「程序不正义(procedural injustice)」驳回。
Judge Aileen Cannon is refusing to recuse herself from the criminal case against the man accused of trying to assassinate Donald Trump, saying she has no relationship with the former president who nominated her to the federal bench and that she doesn’t control what he says about her. ...
Cannon has three distinct choices in the case, Harvard constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe told CNN in a statement. “She could either redeem herself by starting to act like a real federal judge unaffected by the identity of the president who appointed her, or earn the condemnation of national...
A clerk for Cannon also came to her defense in a statement this week to ProPublica, claiming the judge had submitted the necessary disclosure but had just mistakenly omitted it from her website. “Judges often do not realize they must input the information twice,” the clerk reportedly ...