AI Text to Speech is a simple and small application that helps convert text and documents into speech.
Get an overview of the benefits and capabilities of the text to speech feature of the Speech service.
curl -v -X PUT -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: YourSpeechKey" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "inputKind": "SSML" }' "" ...
请确保设置SPEECH_KEY和SPEECH_REGION环境变量。 如果未设置这些变量,示例会失败并显示错误消息。 输入要朗读的一些文本。 例如,键入“我对尝试文本转语音非常兴奋”。 选择Enter键可听到合成的语音。 控制台 Enter some text that you want to speak > I'm excited to try text to speech ...
请确保设置SPEECH_KEY和SPEECH_REGION环境变量。 如果未设置这些变量,示例会失败并显示错误消息。 输入要朗读的一些文本。 例如,键入“我对尝试文本转语音非常兴奋”。 选择Enter键可听到合成的语音。 控制台 Enter some text that you want to speak > I'm excited to try text to speech ...
NaturalReader is text to speech app that reads text, PDF, webpages, and eBooks aloud to you with our quality, natural-sounding AI voices. NaturalReader is an essential tool for those with dyslexia and other reading difficulties. Open up your ears to a
首先,我们需要进入Microsoft Azure官网:,然后点击“免费试用文本转语音”。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 如果之前没注册过,有惊喜福利啦!微软会给新用户送上一年的免费使用权! 但注意,对个人用户来说,需要绑定国际信用卡,且通常转语音两三次...
Free AI Voice: Best Text to Speech Tool Ethan Davis (21)3,000+ 个用户 高效工作 获取 与你的浏览器兼容描述 Free AI Voice 是一个Chrome浏览器扩展程序,它利用文本转语音(TTS)技术将网页文章转换为语音,并提供40多种语言支持。 它适用于各种网站,包括新闻网站、博客、粉丝小说、出版物、...
【网页链接】文本转语音 – 真实 AI 语音生成器 | Microsoft Azure一、使用说明(一)使用限制1、由于微软对接口的限制…
AI Text to Speech Studio - Voice Over and Cloning Transform your text into lifelike speech with AI Text to Speech Studio, the ultimate voice-over and cloning app designed for seamless audio production. Experience the power of full offline capabilities,