Text to Speech! enables you to read out text as speech. From single phrases, statements, to multiple paragraphs.
TextToSpeech 属性 方法 UnitConverters Microsoft.Maui.Networking Microsoft.Maui.Platform Microsoft.Maui.Primitives Microsoft.Maui.Storage 下载PDF C# 使用英语阅读 添加到集合 添加到计划 通过 Facebookx.com 共享LinkedIn电子邮件 打印 参考 反馈 定义
With Text to Speech, your device will speak what you type or save as audio file. Make your device say anything you want in many languages! Let your device read the text aloud for you! It supports importing text directly from your device to listen to t
使用自由文本转语音功能在 Clipchamp 中创建 AI 画外音。 将字词转换为各种语言、口音、音调和速度的自然配音音频。 若要处理文本输入并从中创建语音语音,文本转语音功能使用Microsoft Azure AI 语音。 如何使用文本转语音功能创建 AI 画外音 首先在 Clipchamp 中创建新视频,然后按照以下步骤创建 AI 画外音。 步骤1...
TextToSpeechService TextToSpeechService Constructors Properties Methods UtteranceProgressListener Voice Voice.InterfaceConsts VoiceLatency VoiceQuality Android.Systems Android.Telecom Android.Telephony Android.Telephony.Cdma Android.Telephony.Data Android.Telephony.Emergency Android.Telephony.Euicc Android.Telephony.Gsm...
TextToSpeech.EngineInfo TextToSpeech.InitEventArgs TextToSpeech.IOnInitListener TextToSpeech.IOnUtteranceCompletedListener TextToSpeech.UtteranceCompletedEventArgs TextToSpeechError TextToSpeechService UtteranceProgressListener Voice Voice.InterfaceConsts VoiceLatency VoiceQuality Android.Systems Android.Telecom Androi...
TextToSpeech(Context, TextToSpeech+IOnInitListener, String) 既定の TTS エンジンを使用する TextToSpeech クラスのコンストラクター。 TextToSpeech(IntPtr, JniHandleOwnership) JNI オブジェクトのマネージド表現を作成するときに使用されるコンストラクター。ランタイムによって呼び出されま...
How to create an AI voiceover with the text to speech feature Start by creating a new video in Clipchamp, then follow the steps below to create an AI voiceover. Step 1. Locate the record & create tab Click on therecord & create tabon the toolbar, then click on ...
(1) 160 个用户 无障碍工具 获取 与你的浏览器兼容 描述 Discover TextSpeecher, a handy tool that transforms webpage text into audio using text-to-speech (TTS) technology. It's compatible with a wide range of websites, including news platforms, blogs, fan fiction sites, publications, textbooks...
https://localhost:50000/texttospeech This displays theText To Speechweb page, as shown in the screenshot below. It will show you the state of the speech object (which includes the last text spoken), as well as various other speech parameters. ...