Upon request authors should be prepared to send relevant documentation or data in order to verify the validity of the results presented. This could be in the form of raw data, samples, records, etc. Sensitive information in the form of confidential or proprietary data is excluded. If there is...
Civil Engineering Design General-Purpose CAD Mechanical Computer-aided Design (MCAD) PCB Design Sketching Collaboration & Productivity Collaboration & Productivity Team Collaboration Document Creation Idea Management Meeting Management Presentation Survey UCaaS Platforms Video Conferencing VoIP...
Fei YF, Liao WJ, Lu XZ*, Guan H*, Knowledge-enhanced graph neural networks for construction material quantityestimationof reinforced concrete buildings,Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2023, DOI: 10.1111/mice.13094. Zhao PJ, Fei YF, Huang YL, Feng YT, Liao WJ, Lu XZ*, D...
Ahmadi-Nedushan B, Varaee H (2009) Optimal design of reinforced concrete retaining walls using a Swarm intelligence technique. In: First international conference on soft computing technology in civil, structural and environmental engineering, Scotland, Civil-Comp Press Akram M, Ismail Abdul R, Irfan...
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AI智能视频识别技术在煤矿智慧矿山中的应用.pdf,煤灰程第55卷第4期 COAL ENGINEERING Vol.55, No.4 doi:10.11799/ce202304017 AI智能视频识别技术在煤矿智慧矿山中的应用 沈铭华,马昆12,杨洋,王九洲,仓义勇 1751504; (1.国家能源集团宁夏煤业有限责任公司,宁夏银
ai-structure.com联系方式 QQ群,AI-structure-交流群:741840451 廖文杰:liaowj17@tsinghua.org.cn ai-structure.com往期文章 Zhao PJ, Liao WJ, Huang YL, Lu XZ, Intelligent design of shear wall layout based on graph neural networks,Advanced Engineering Informatics...
This is particu- larly true for computer-related occupations and jobs in science, technology, engineering, and math, since technolo- gy is fueling the rise of automation across all industries. This is why the computer and mathematics job family group is likely to suffer by far the greatest ...
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Finally, the authors present the conclusions of this research in Section 6. 2. Theoretical Background 2.1. Artificial Intelligence and the Construction Industry As we delve into the dynamic landscape of the construction and civil engineering industry, we must acknowledge the substantial transformative ...