AI in Civil Engineering 全球首本智能建造前沿学术期刊重磅上线 2022年8月18日,由教育部主管、同济大学主办的国际全英文开放获取期刊AI in Civil Engineering《智能建造》(缩写AICE,CN:31-2183/TU,ISSN:2097-0943,E-ISSN: 2730-5392)...
在此背景下,同济大学于2020年筹划创办智能建造领域的国际首本英文期刊《AI in Civil Engineering》(AICE),并相继得到Springer Nature、中国科学技术协会、国家新闻出版署的大力支持,2022年创刊号正式上线并出版发行。本刊是全球首本重点关注土木工程与人工智能交叉融合的智能建造领域国际前沿性综合性专属期刊,已入选中国科...
2022年8月18日,由教育部主管、同济大学主办的国际全英文开放获取期刊AI in Civil Engineering《智能建造》创刊号正式登陆全球最大学术出版机构之一施普林格自然(Springer Nature)集团在线平台。智能建造将传统的建筑产业与大数据、人工智能等战略性新兴产业深度融合,在建筑工业化和数字化基础上,实现建造技术、建造范式和建造...
《智能建造(英文)》(AI in Civil Engineering)(季刊),由教育部主管,同济大学主办,同济大学出版社出版,将于2021年6月创刊(季刊),是全球首本重点关注土木工程与人工智能交叉的的智能建造国际综合性英文期刊。期刊业务范围为:以智能建造中的科研和工程问题为核心,发表与智能建造相关的规划、设计、施工、运营、管理相关...
【AI in Civil Engineering | 全球首本智能建造前沿学术期刊重磅上线】AICE发表的文章类型包括原创性研究论文、综述、工程报告和短论等。本刊目前为开放获取期刊,评审录用的文章不收取文章处理费(APC),作者无需付费。本刊重视严谨高效的审稿流程和出版印刷,所有稿件一经录用便会尽快在线发表,并定期出版发行。热诚欢迎...
AI in Civil Engineering accepts submissions of the following article types: Review Communication Commentary Letter News & Views Opinion Case Study Editorial procedure Double-blind peer review This journal follows a double-blind reviewing procedure. Authors are therefore requested to submit: ...
智能建造(英文)(AI in Civil Engineering) (官网投稿)的纠错信息 各位老师、同学们好: 全站一万多个期刊,我们都是每天人工滚动核实、更新其投稿信息,循环一遍大概需要七八个月时间,其间肯定会有变更了的期刊信息难以被及时发现,为保证信息准确不耽误大家投稿,欢迎您积极参与纠错!为表感谢,凡对国内期刊以下10项核心...
Artificial Intelligence’s applications in building may become nearly endless as time goes on. With one of the largest consumer bases and a market worth billions of dollars, the addition of artificial intelligence to the civil engineering field helps solve many problems in design optimization, paramet...
However, in the civil engineering field, amongst other disciplines, that is not always the case as real-world systems are continuously changing. Here lies the need to explore soft computing methods and artificial intelligence to solve civil engineering shortcomings. The integration of advanced ...
AI in Civil Engineering accepts submissions of the following article types: Original Article Original Articles publish full reports of research on original works that have not been published previously and are not being considered for publication elsewhere. ...