AI如何引领英语教学变革?BC发布研究报告 近日,英国文化教育协会(British Council)发布报告《人工智能与英语教学:为未来做好准备》(Artificial intelligence and English language teaching: Preparing for the future)。该报告旨在为教育工作者、研究人员以及关注在教育中应用人工智能这一议题的人士提供参考。报告揭示了...
BC发布研究报告 近日,英国文化教育协会(British Council)发布报告《人工智能与英语教学:为未来做好准备》(Artificial intelligence and English language teaching: Preparing for the future)。该报告旨在为教育工作者、研究人员以及关注在教育中应用人工智能这一议题的人士提供参考。报告揭示了人工智能在英语教学实践中面临...
I mean that's good, I mean it's, it's good, it's really good and I think what's nice about this is you can ask it to explain something in a way that works for you, so you could say, can you explain this English concept like you are teaching a five-year-old?我的意思是这很...
Student engagement:AI in education can support language learning to bridge potential gaps in understanding. Students can prepare for tests through personalized AI-enabled applications. They can also learn from their peers and virtual exchanges in online discussion boards and through curriculum gamification....
The specification of the components of this language allows for specific language needs to be identified and has implications for the implementation of CLIL in terms of teacher training, teaching materials and other forms of teacher support. Subsequently, the authors propose how these types...
在SSCI和CSSCI学术期刊发表论文70余篇,担任TESOL Quarterly,Language Teaching Research, Teacher and Teacher Education和Frontiers in Psychology等国际SSCI一区学术期刊的匿名评审。 应邀担任香港大学、香港教育大学、澳大利亚拉筹伯大学(La Trobe University)和新南威尔士...
(AIGC) can intelligently generate teaching content, plans, and course materials based on teaching objectives and syllabus, thereby accelerating the curriculum design process and freeing up more time for teachers to focus on the quality and effectiveness of educational content. With the assistance of ...
Data in a specific language are more important for teaching the model specific cultural ideas and quirks.特定语言的数据对于训练模型特定的文化观念和特点更为重要。Models can also learn from human feedback, in which users rate an LLM’s answers.模型还可以从人类的反馈中学习,即用户对大型语言模型的...
AI for Education: Teaching and Learning A modest number of countries discussAI for Education, generally in the context of teaching and learning tools such as intelligent tutoring systems, automating homework grading, providing support outside of the classroom, adaptive assessment, new forms of collabor...
AI clearly has implications for how learning itself unfolds. If an AI system can be devised to come up with a truly intelligent move in the game of Go, previously unbeknownst to humans, then the question arises: Can A...