AI Image Generation Generate stunning images, tattoos, portraits, logo and more. AI Image Upscaler Upscale images for higher resolution. AI Image Enhancer Enhance image clarity, quality, contrast and brightness. AI Uncrop Extend the borders of cropped images. ...
OpenAI强调,4o Image Generation功能具备极强的指令遵循能力,能精确按照用户提示生成图像,并注重细节。相较于其他系统在处理大量对象时可能遇到的困难,GPT-4o据称可同时处理多达10至20个不同的对象,并更精准地将对象的特性和相互关系融入图像中,让用户更好地控制图像生成结果。此外,4o Image Generation功能原生...
9、Edit in Canvas:在画布中编辑 10、Use for Image to Image:用于图像对图像
Show Advanced Settings 高级设置选项,选项内容如下: Use fixed seed :有一个开关和一个输入框 ,问号中的英文:the deterministic number for the random number generator,大概的意思就是基于你给定的随机数来生成图片 Scheduler :目前只有 Leonardo 一个选项 2、右侧工具栏 1、AI Generation Tool 下面是一个提示词...
通常,用于 AI Image Generation 的文本输入始终具有相同的结构,在大多数情况下,您需要三种成分: 例子: “一只松鼠——在树上吃坚果——表现主义绘画。” “A squirrel – on a tree eating nut, – expressionist painting.” “A squirrel – on a tree eating nut, – expressionist painting.”由 Dreamstu...
How to automate AI image generation with Zapier Create images from a chat tool If you're the only person with an account for an AI image-generating tool and want to give your team access, why not bring the tool right into your team chat tool? That way, your team can create images wit...
我们正在制造冲浪板,而不是制造水。将人工智能描绘成水的插图:一种可以用于善或恶的强大力量。(图 The Verge / Midjourneynone)来源:本文来自澎湃新闻,更多原创资讯请下载“澎湃新闻”APP)
Now, this example throws us into an intriguing realm where image generation and creating visually rich content are at the forefront of AI's capabilities. Industries and creatives are increasingly tapping into AI for image creation, making it imperative to understand: How should one approach image ...
所谓AI摄影,是利用了文生图(Text-to-Image Generation)的技术,输入文字描述,即可生成相对应的图片,作为AIGC的主要方向之一,在内容生产等领域有着广泛的应用前景。在「AI摄影」中,人的角色就像导演,负责向摄影指导传达自己想要的「感觉」,再由充当摄影指导的AI将「导演」的想法化成现实。2023年,丽水摄影节(...
8. Bing image creator Cons 9. Jasper Art Who it’s for Pricing Pros Cons 10. Starry AI Who it’s for: Pricing: Pros: Cons: 11. Dream Studio (Stable Diffusion) Who it’s for Pricing Pros Cons 12. Wombo Dream Who it’s for ...