Billionaire Elon Musk on Wednesday announced that he has formed a new artificial intelligence company called xAI, which has hired researchers from Google, OpenAI and other top technology firms. The goal, Musk tweeted, is "to understand reality." xAI is a separate entity from Musk's other busine...
揭秘:马斯克xAI超算工厂的落地内幕 埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)正“全速推进”他在孟菲斯的“超级算力工厂”(Gigafactory of Compute)项目。然而,一张飞速签订的协议、各种保密协议和向市政方在幕后做出的承诺让市议员们开始对这个项目提出质疑。原文标题:《关于埃隆·马斯克迫切想在孟菲斯建造一台xAI超级计算机的内幕...
埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 同时经营着 6 家价值数十亿美元的公司,然后还能有精力跟娱乐圈,其他圈的大佬频频互动 (SpaceX、特斯拉、X、xAI、Neuralink、Boring Company) 那么,他是怎么做到的呢? Elon 以严格的无 BS 政策经营他的公司 没有BS 会议、团队、流程、规则或项目。 删除所有多余的内容,以便团队可以专注...
Elon Musk has created a new company dedicated to artificial intelligence called X.AI, The Wall Street Journal reports. Rumors about Musk starting an AI company have been floating around for days.
Elon Musk has announced the launch of a new AI company, xAI, with a mission to“understand the true nature of the universe.”The company is separate from Musk’s other businesses, such as Tesla and Twitter, but will work closely with them. ...
埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 旗下的人工智能初创公司 X.AI 已向 SEC 提交申请,拟通过股票发行筹集至多 10 亿美元。 文件显示,该公司已从四位投资者那里筹集了近 1.35 亿美元,首次出售于 11 月 29 日进行。 根据其网站,马斯克于 7 月宣布成立这家人工智能初创公司,旨在“了解宇宙的真实本质”。
3. 4. 5. 6.
消息称马斯克的XAI人工智能公司寻求30亿美元融资,估值达180亿美元 据华尔街日报援引知情人士消息,埃隆・马斯克 (Elon Musk) 旗下的人工智能创业公司 xAI 正与投资者洽谈融资事宜。此次融资规模达到 30 亿美元(IT之家备注:当前约 217.2 亿元人民币),这将使 XAI 的估值达到 180 亿美元(当前约 1303.2 ...
X.AI, an artificial intelligence startup founded byElon Musk, has filed with the SEC to raise up to $1 billion in an equity offering. The company has already brought innearly $135 millionfrom four investors, with the first sale occurring on Nov. 29, and has a "binding and enforceable ...