Billionaire Elon Musk on Wednesday announced that he has formed a new artificial intelligence company called xAI, which has hired researchers from Google, OpenAI and other top technology firms. The goal, Musk tweeted, is "to understand reality." xAI is a separate entity from Musk's other busine...
xAI, Elon Musk’s newly formed AI company, has revealed itself with a new website detailing its mission and team at Musktweetedthe company’s intent is to “understand reality” without any other details or explanation. ...
Elon Musk has announced xAI, his new AI-focused company, with the goal of understanding “the true nature of the universe.” The company will work closely with Musk’s other companies like Twitter and Tesla.
The websitefor Musk’s new company currently comprises a single page with a profile of its top team and a call for experienced engineers and researchers to join the company in the Bay Area, San Francisco. It also includes the line: “The goal of xAI is to understand the true nature ...
Elon Musk has created a new company dedicated to artificial intelligence called X.AI, The Wall Street Journal reports. Rumors about Musk starting an AI company have been floating around for days.
Elon Musk has announced the launch of a new AI company, xAI, with a mission to“understand the true nature of the universe.”The company is separate from Musk’s other businesses, such as Tesla and Twitter, but will work closely with them. ...
Elon Musk创建了6家公司,分别是: 特斯拉:一家不用介绍的公司 SpaceX:SpaceX是一家航天技术公司,于2002年由马斯克创立。SpaceX设计、制造和发射先进的火箭和航天器。SpaceX是唯一一家能够将航天器从低地球轨道返回,并将人类送往并从国际空间站返回的私营公司。SpaceX的目标是降低太空探索的成本,并实现人类对火星的...
Elon Musk's company broke its own record for most launches in a single year, continued pushing the boundaries of rocket reuse and made serious strides toward getting Starship, its next-generation megarocket, up and running. Oh, and Musk has apparently ...
埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)扩展了他庞大的拉斯维加斯大道项目 当埃隆·马斯克在2016年推出他的Boring Company时,他的目标是像魔法一样通过地下隧道解决大都市地区的交通拥堵问题。他誓言要建造一台隧道掘进机,开始挖掘,而现在,他的愿景在拉斯维加斯已成为现实。他的Boring Company已经完成了拉斯维加斯项目的几个...
Musk wrote in a social media post in September that "no monkey has died as a result of a Neuralink implant". He added that the company chose "terminal" monkeys to minimize risk to healthy ones.