AHP–TOPSIS-2Ninformation technologygovernance committeedecision modelCAPEX prioritizationThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the results obtained by the information technology (IT) governance committee (ITGC) of a company undergoing a strategic realignment in the sorting and prioritizing of its ...
AHP层次分析法与TOPSIS算法在供应商选择决策中综合应用 摘要:供应链管理环境下,供应商的选择评价是构建供应链竞争力的关键环节之一。本文在分析了供应链环境下对供应商选择的评价指标的基础上,提出了一种基于AHP和TOPSIS的供应商选择模型,把AHP和TOPSIS综合用于供应商的选择评价,并通过实例分析表明了该方法的可行性。
爲计算各目标值与理想值之间的欧氏距离:S*i迟(f -f*)2, j = 1,2,., n,ij jj=1(6)(7)迟(f - f )2, j 二 1,2,., n.ij jj=1 计算各个目标的相对贴近度:C* = S /(S* + S), i = 1,2,., m.i i i i.依照相对贴近度的大小对目标进行排序,形成决策依据.AHP方法和TOPSIS方法...
基于AHP-TOPSIS模型的企业财务绩效评价 樊树海凌宁 【摘要】随着社会经济的飞速发展,不少企业为了适应全球化以及信息化的社会环境,开始注重企业的财务绩效评价体系,企业财务绩效评价体系在一定程度上能够很好地反馈企业的经营成果。文章构建了科学合理的企业财务绩效评价指标体系,先利用AHP法确定了企业财务绩效的各个评价指标...
, reshoring an outsourced activity to an external supplier or reshoring for insourcing to the home installations of an outsourced activity. Second, the fuzzy-MCDM field is briefly presented, with a focus on the two fuzzy decision-making methods used in this study – fuzzy-AHP and fuzzy-TOPSIS....
Moreover, it is worth investigating models outside the AHP methodology, for instance, TOPSIS and VIKOR, which are also distance-based methods themselves. The case of different weights of individual decision-makers is to be further investigated, as well. However, based on our simulation results ...
基于AHP 的东庄高拱坝施工方案优化研究 曹新红1,杨俊峰1,王昊东2,任炳昱 2(1.陕西省东庄水利枢纽工程建设有限责任公司,陕西西安713208;2.天津大学水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室,天津300350)收稿日期:2021- 03-12基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2018YFC0406704);陕西水利科技项目(2018slkj -1);国家自然...
In response to COVID-19, there is research using integration of ANP and TOPSIS to investigate SC sustainability and resilience (Magableh & Mistarihi, 2022). Similarly, Hervani et al. (2022) use the supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model to evaluate the social S sustainability and ...