Ahlstrom is one of the world's leading players in sustainable and innovative fiber solutions. Our mission is to expand the role of fiber-based solutions for a sustainable everyday life.
Ahlstrom is one of the world's leading players in sustainable and innovative fiber solutions. Our mission is to expand the role of fiber-based solutions for a sustainable everyday life.
Ahlstrom-Munksjo Oyj (AHM1) 芬兰赫尔辛基 创建提醒 一次 % 添加至投资组合 17.900.000.00% 21/06- 闭盘.EUR货币 类型:股票 市场:芬兰 ISIN:FI4000048418 S/N:115653315 量:0 卖价/买价:0.00/0.00 当日幅度:17.84-17.90 近期报价 名称价格涨跌额涨跌幅 ...
随着进一步深入电气化发展领域,Ahlstrom-Munksjö 推出了首款为电动汽车过滤介质提供解决方案的新产品。 在减少空气污染和二氧化碳排放的全球性需求的驱动下,汽车行业正见证着电气化快速发展的趋势。充电基础设施的发展,能为车主提供快速、可靠和方便的充电服务,预计电动汽车的年增长率...
近日,芬兰装饰纸巨头AHLSTROM-MUNKSJO宣布完成对中国装饰纸制造商河北名联60%股权的收购,成河北名联的第一大股东兼实际控制人。收购价为4.3亿元人民币。据悉,河北名联生产的装饰原纸分别为素色原纸和印刷原纸,用于家具、橱柜和地板,起到装饰与覆盖作用。AHLSTROM-MUNKSJO AHLSTROM-MUNKSJO是高端装饰纸领域的全球...
Ahlstrom-munksjoIndustries: nonwovens fabrics industry Landline : (270) 821-0140 ADD.: 215 nebo road,madisonville, ky 42431,united states Info: we create value by combining raw materials with our advanced technology and know-how, and developing fiber-based solutions in close collaboration ...
Ahlstrom-munksjo Germany GmbhBusiness: Medical Engineering,Medical Products Telephone: +49 37347 83-0 Fax: +49 37347 83-64 ADD.: niederschlag 1,09471,barenstein,germany Info: contact: katia veronese / head of sales emea; clas lack / head of sales apac; tonia showers / head of sales...
Ahlstrom is a global leader in sustainable specialty materials, aiming to protect people, products, and the planet. But to fulfill our purpose, we need the best people to work with us. Here at Ahlstrom, we have thousands of professionals working in various roles. Discover all the career ...