Ahlstrom-Munksj Oyj, FinlandResearch article Transmission of SARS CoV-2 virus through the ocular mucosa worth taking precautions Vacunas, Volume 22, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 56-57 Research article Interhospital transport of COVID-19 patients on ECMO and comparison with historic controls Medicina ...
Saint Severin工厂位于法国西南部,隶属于Ahlstrom-Munksjö公司特种业务领域。该厂共有140名员工,产品主要包括食品和饮料包装材料。(石 瑜 )羊皮纸主要用于烘焙、烹饪及食品包装 Georgia-Paci c公司近日公布了一项关于其消费 (零售)卫生纸和纸巾纸的重大投资计划,将投资超 过4亿美元,以支持关键客户私有品牌...
Ahlstrom-Munksjö, a leader in fibre-based materials, has announced the launch of its new ViroSÄ“l fabric, constructed for the most critical areas of a surgical gown, designed to keep medical professionals protected and comfortable.
“For Ahlstrom-Munksjö it is important that our pulp suppliers, like Metsä Fibre, meet the high safety standards and contribute to the work safety in the entire supply chain,” commented Rune Årnes, VP Health & Safety, Ahlstrom-Munksjö. “This far we have cross-audited five produ...
Ahlstrom-Munksjö has tripled in size in the last five years through acquisitions, mergers, and organic growth. In early 2021, Ahlstrom-Munksjö launched several initiatives to unlock the company's potential and build strong capabilities. These initi
Ahlstrom-Munksj invests €28mn in its Filtration businessResponding to increasing customer demand, Ahlstrom-Munksj is investing about €28 million in its Filtration and Performance business area to expand manufacturing capacity as well as product capabilities.filtration industry analyst...
Ahlstrom-Munksj to increase filtration capacityAhlstrom-Munksj is moving into the second phase of its project to strengthen its manufacturing platform for high performance filtration and energy storage applications.Elsevier BVfiltration industry analyst...
欧元电厂锅炉碳足迹AH采用新技术8月1日报道,Ahlstrom Munksj公司近日表示,公司投资1500万欧元,采用新技术对其位于美国威斯康星州Mosinee和Rhinelander纸厂的现有锅炉进行改造.改造完成后,将使2家工厂的碳足迹分别减少约20%和14%,填埋废物分别减少10%以上和50%以上.项目预计将于2023年二季度末和三季度完工.造纸信息...
Spa Holdings 3 Oy, a consortium of Bain Capital, Ahlstrm Capital, Viknum and Belgrano Inversiones, has announced a voluntary recommended public cash tender offer for all shares in Finnish materials company Ahlstrom-Munksj Oyj.doi:10.1016/s1365-6937(20)30242-2...