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Manial, Philippines; 2002. vol. 6 Bouwman AF, Beusen AHW, Griffioen J, Van Groenigen JW, Hefting MM, Oenema O, et al. Global trends and uncertainties in terrestrial denitrification and N2O emissions. Philos Trans R Soc B ...
Click here to show only events with ONLINE options indicates an online event in-person indicates an in-person event online and in-person indicates an online and in-person event Filter this list by country Current filter: China Clear filter ...
International Rice Research Institute Philippines International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Sri Lanka World Agroforestry Centre, Kenya WorldFish Center (International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management), Malaysia Past Conference Report ...
(2021a) study on seed commons in France and Sievers-Globatach et al.’s (2020) comparative study on different seed commons in Germany and the Philippines. These studies show among other things the importance of paying attention to seed commons as particular knowledge and network commons where ...
99 2018 Philippines original Wireless soil moisture detection with time drift compensation 100 2017 Chile original Root System Water Consumption Pattern Identification on Time Series Data 101 2020 Greece original Wireless Sensor Network Synchronization for Precision Agriculture Applications 102 2016 India origin...
[16,149] investigates the impact of the initial COVID-19 lockdown on job loss, reduced income, food expenditure, and food availability, accessibility, and affordability in rural and urban households in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Vietnam during the pandemic's ...
“Golden Rice” has played a key role in arguments over genetically modified (GM) crops for many years. It is routinely depicted as a generic GM vitamin tablet in a generic plant bound for the global South. But the release of Golden Rice is on the horizon only in the Philippines, a cou...
Asio VB, Jahn R, Perez FO, Navarrete IA, Abit SM Jr (2009) A review of soil degradation in the Philippines. Ann Trop Res 31:69–94 Google Scholar Auboiroux M, Baillif P, Touray JC, Bergaya F (1996) Fixation of Zn2+and Pb2+by a Ca-montmorillonite in brines and dilute solutions...