agricultureagrobiodiversityPhilippinesThe normative aim of environmental justice poses two challenges to the management of agricultural systems: (1) improvement of access for today's rural poor to vital ecosystem services ('intragenerational environmental justice'); and (2) sustenance of critical ecosystem...
As a Filipino, Rizal shared the anguish and anxiety of a foreigner in another land. Like the thousands of Filipinos here in Spain, Rizal came from a tropical country, with so much hope for himself, for his family and his country. Rizal could not have been different from you and I as, ...
Since President Duterte took office, China and the Philippines have reengaged in dialogue and consultation for the proper handling of the South China Sea issue. Our relations have now seen a rainbow after the rain. In just a little more than two years, China has become the Philippines' larges...
(October 9, 2019, Diamond Hotel, Manila) Today, I was honored to speak at the 12thALCUCOA Annual National Conference on the topic, “Industry and Academe Partnership: Insights into the Future of LCUs and its Graduates.” ALCUCOA is the accrediting arm of the Association of Local Colleges an...
During the early development decades the urban poor were seen as an aberration or an underclass, victims of their own apathy and modest expectations (Lewis, 1961 ). Today they are more likely to be seen as heroic (De Soto, 1989) or as cr... J Beall - 《Journal of International Developm...
Thailand’s economy is diverse and offers opportunities across various sectors including tourism, manufacturing, finance, and agriculture. The country has also developed a reputation as a hub for technology startups in recent years. With its strategic location at the heart of Southeast Asia and its...
agricultureagrobiodiversityPhilippinesThe normative aim of environmental justice poses two challenges to the management of agricultural systems: (1) improvement of access for today's rural poor to vital ecosystem services ('intragenerational environmental justice'); and (2) sustenance of critical ecosystem...
Weathering the Crises, Feeding the Future examines the issues confounding the Philippine food system and sets out recommendations for a new agricultural future in which Filipinos have enough to eat, always.Illo Jeanne Frances|Dalabajan DanteOxfam Policy & Practice Agriculture Food & Land...
The challenge of sustainable food security is immense. Development efforts must be a concern with food, people and agriculture. Sustainable food security banks on the human-development perspective. It explores the interface between people living for the land and the technology most appropriate for ...
The growth of commercial agriculture resulted in the appearance of a new class. Alongside the landholdings of the church and the rice estates of the pre-Spanish nobility there arose haciendas ofcoffee,hemp, andsugar, often the property of enterprising Chinese-Filipino mestizos. Some of the famil...