Plant tissues analysis is required to support agriculture, nutrition and environmental sciences. For example in pesticide residue studies it would be important to check that there are no effects on crop species being treated. The iST/iST-NHS kits are suitable for use in research and regulated envi...
The Company has a unique biotech platform with high-impact, patented technologies for seeds and microbial ag-inputs, as well as next generation crop nutrition and protection solutions. Through its HB4® program, the Company is bringing digital solutions to support growers' decisions and provide ...
We began with pooled and panel data models to understand the influence of different model specification decisions (Methods,Supplementary Notes, Supplementary Tables2and3). However, the mechanisms determining zero values for pesticide use may differ from those determining the level of use, and basic s...
while in Malaysia the peninsula was the historical centre, although considerable expansion has occurred more recently in Sabah and Sarawak. Due their climatic suitability, oil palm cultivation has also spread to other SE Asian countries
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Nutrition and Endocrine Disorders)Download keyboard_arrow_down Versions Notes Abstract Pesticide residues are largely found in daily consumed food because of their extensive use in farming and their long half-life, which prolongs their presence in the ...
nutrient water productivity; nutrition security; food groups; water demand; water consumption; water withdrawal; technical water; evapotranspiration; macronutrients; micronutrients1. Introduction Growing population and changing consumption patterns are putting increasing pressure on limited land and water ...
硼是所有植物都需要的微量营养素。 普遍认为硼存在于植物中的韧皮部,但最近的研究表明硼在许多植物的韧皮部组织中是可移动的。 区分作物中硼的移动性难易是诊断作物缺硼,及科学施肥的重要手段。 了解特定植物种类中硼的相对移动性,将提高对缺硼的诊断能力,并为作物生产提供最佳的施硼方案。
硼是所有植物都需要的微量营养素。 硼的主要功能与细胞壁强度与发育、细胞分裂、果实与种子发育、糖运输和激素发育有关。 硼与植物中氮、磷、钾和钙的某些功能有关。营养均衡对于作物的最佳生长至关重要。 可土壤施用持力硼®或叶面施用速乐硼®来保证供应足够的硼,从而实现最佳生长。
and resource requirements of the Nairobi City Council. Planning frameworks and crop development plans establish development priorities, programmes, and strategies, annual targets, expected outcomes, and resource requirements to promote food and nutrition security by adopting urban agricultural technologies (Nai...
Labelling, health and nutrition Labelling has been shown to influence consumer purchasing habits and to have positive impacts on food production. RSPO believes that using its certification trademark on products will be central to raising awareness and driving demand. Palm oil is used for cooking and...