Utopian Society | Definition, Ideas & Examples 3:56 Characteristics of Agrarian Societies 3:19 7:15 Next Lesson Characteristics of Civil Society Ethnic Group Definition & Characteristics 6:10 Characteristics of Human Society 5:29 Characteristics of Information Society 5:00 Rural Community |...
anagrarianeconomy/society/lifestyle agrarianreform/laws/revolution See also agricultural(Definition ofagrarianfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) Examplesofagrarian agrarian Preferential treatment accorded to collectivist organisations in theagrarianfield was matched in the ...
cultural evolutionism; macrodynamics; agrarian society; energy paradigm; ecosystems; logistic map; logistic growth map; Hassel map; Ricker map; Beverton–Holt map; limiting factor1. Introduction The theory of cultural evolutionism was developed by anthropologist Leslie White [1] in an attempt to ...
Hunter-gathering societies performed the work of hunting and gathering at a distance from the society. Hunters and gathers would return to their community with what they had successfully hunted or gathered. Over time, they transitioned to agrarian societies involving both agriculture and raising ...
CIVIL societyENVIRONMENTAL degradationSOCIAL justiceENVIRONMENTAL protectionNONGOVERNMENTAL organizationsAgrarian problems in Indonesia are still complex and have not been resolved completely. Inequality of land tenure, agrarian conflicts, environmental degradation, and land conversion are some exam...
Patterns of online activity can shore up exist- ing inequalities in agrarian society. In Myanmar, national agro- chemical corporations used the platform to strengthen brand loyalty and machine-owners, traders, and larger landowners appeared to make up a large share of active users. While agri- ...
Sub-Saharan Africa offers many examples of multi-access to resources and potential superimposition of different types of rights on the same space. On this theme, and on the importance of taking into account these questions in development projects, see Le Roy et al. (1996) and Lavigne Delville...
were largely symbiotic in Bengal up till the depression decade (1930-40). Tribal groups negotiated with agriculturalists through the mandali system up till the decay of this system. Geographical positions of each group determined their access to irrigation. Top-down investments in agriculture also ...
Examples of the latter are the targeted public food distribution systems. It will be argued that the outcomes to freshwater allocation, i.e. the absence or presence of certain institutional forms, are critically shaped by the place-dependent dialectic between nature and society. Thus, a ...
Figure 8. Examples of morphological aspect of threshing floors observed from the air and in two dimensions, according to the prevailing wind direction in the place, and its resultant ‘anemograph’; (a) south of the village of Sant Llorenç, situated in the oriental side of the island; (...