Using the tagline “What did the doctor say?,” posters, pamphlets, clinician/staff discussion points, and redesigned organizational webpages were developed to reinforce the idea that access to information via the patient porta...
A nonrandom sample of 212 people aged 60 and older were selected from the township of Khayelitsha, where the local population was predominantly composed of disadvantaged, Black, and isiXhosa-speaking South Africans with limited resources and limited access to formal healthcare services. AgeWell ...
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As populations age and dependency ratios increase, health stakeholders will need to ensure not only access to care and its quality but also responsiveness of available care to older adults’ desire to remain independent. This could include increasing the focus on in-home services and other c...
ArticleOpen access17 January 2022 Nature of epigenetic aging from a single-cell perspective Article09 May 2024 Main Aging is associated with multiple cellular changes that are often tissue specific1. Cytosine methylation, however, stands out, as it allows for the development of pan-tissue aging clo...
[32,33]. It originally served to represent the initial stochasticity and later determinism of cell differentiation in organismal development with a marble rolling down a landscape with several valleys. The marble faces several branching points on the landscape, i.e., the choices for cell fate ...
In accounting, the term aging is often associated with a company’s accounts receivable. Accounts receivable arise when a company provides goods or services and allows the customer to pay 10 or 30 days later. If some customers do not honor the terms of the sale, the company can experience ...
Humana will leverage Microsoft Azure and Azure AI to develop on-demand and virtual medical services. In addition, Humana will deliver a more integrated health care experience across all touchpoints with Azure AI and voice capabilities to personalize patie...
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that PACE is a great model. In housing, public–private partnerships are particularly attractive for creating affordable living options with services for older populations, she said. Her agency delivers most of its services through 26 regional Aging Services Access Points, each a private nonprofit ...