1. 敏捷开发方法 精实软体开发(Lean Software Development),其后蕴酿敏捷开发方法(Agile Software Development Methods)的Scrum及Crystal … blog.lyhdev.com|基于4个网页 2. 敏捷软件开发方法 ...model)、软件能力成熟度模型(SW-CMM)和敏捷软件开发方法(Agile Software Development Methods)为主要参考系,④… ...
Agile modeling is an application of agile development methods in the field of modeling. 敏捷开发方法是软件工程领域近年来发展起来的一种软件开发方法,敏捷建模是敏捷开发方法在建模领域的应用。 更多例句>> 补充资料:软件开发方法 软件开发方法 software development method 法,以数据流图和控制流图为基础,系统...
MethodsProcessesAgile - demoting 'the quality of being agile; readiness for motion; nimbleness, activity, dexterity in motion' - software development methods are attempting to offer an answer to eager business community asking for lighter weight along with faster and nimbler software development ...
Extreme Programming (XP) is one of the most popular agile software development methods. 极限编程(XP)是最为流行的敏捷开发方法之一,能够很好的适应变化,保证质量。 www.lw23.com 7. We learned many things introducing agile software development over the last fifteen years. 在过去的十五年间,我们得到了...
In conclusion ,Agile software development methods were developed to provide more customer satisfaction, to shorten the development life cycle, to reduce the bug rates, and to accommodate changing business requirements during the development process.(Juyun Cho, Colorado State University-Pueblo,2008) ...
早起软件开发方法没有完整的规划,是一个短期的、即时的、边写边改的、组合的过程,当系统很小时这种方法可能很有用但是当系统较大时就无能为力了;为了改变这种状况,引进了”方法论“(methodology)的概念,借鉴工程领域的实践提出了规划驱动的方法(plan-driven methodologies)或工程方法(engineering methods)。为了让软件...
Iterative software development methods can be traced back to the early 1970s. It was not until the 1990s that a number of methods evolved in response to the most common criticisms. The methods were described as over-regulated, planned and managed at the micro level....
A few of the different types of Agile software development methods (Agile Methodology) are listed below: Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) Disciplined Agile Delivery or DAD is an Agile software delivery framework. DAD helps is the software delivery and development with a people-first approach. ...
Agile software development can help you push high-quality products faster to market. By focusing on teamwork and collaboration, Agile methodologies can facilitate better relationships not only between team members but also with customers. Using Agile methods enhances business agility, allowing you to res...
敏捷软件开发 Agile software Development 敏捷开发是一种软件开发方法,基于迭代和增量开发,通过自组织,跨团队,沟通协作完成开发工作。 敏捷宣言的诞生: 2001年2月11日到13日,17位软件开发领域的领军人物聚集在美国犹他州的滑雪胜地雪鸟(Snowbird)雪场。经过两天的讨论,“敏捷”(Agile)这个词为全体聚会者所接受,用以...