SCRUM is an enhancement of the commonlyused iterative/incremental object-oriented development cycle.Nirmal Pradeep JeldiVenkata Krishna Mohan ChavaliJeldi, N. P., & Chavali, V. K. M. (2013). Software Development Using Agile Methodology Using Scrum Framework. International Journal of Scientific and...
“敏捷”(Agile)一词由“敏捷软件开发宣言”(Manifesto for agile software development)中开始推广,“敏捷软件开发宣言”定义了相关的价值和原则。敏捷软件开发的框架不断的发展,两个最广泛被使用的是Scrum与Kanban。 词源 敏捷一词来源于2001年初美国犹他州雪鸟滑雪圣地的一次敏捷方法发起者和实践者(他们发起组成了敏捷...
Ace Infoway offers Customer-centric Project Management. Get the implemented perfect method of Agile Software Development with Scrum Team.
Scrum 基础介绍: Scrum Role 角色: Product Owner, Team, Scrum Master, Chicken and the Pig 产品经理,团队,Scrum Master,鸡和猪,有一则小故事如下: 一只鸡对一头猪说:“我们合伙开家饭店吧!”猪想了想,说:“那我们给这个饭店起什么名字呢?”鸡说:“鸡蛋和火腿!”猪...
The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation. 无论是团队内还是团队间,最有效的沟通方法是面对面的交谈。 准则7: Working software is the primary measure of progress. 可用的软件是衡量进度的主要指标。
scrum master在回顾会议中不允许给出答案,但要鼓励成员自己找到较好的办法(The scrum master is not in this meeting to provide answers, but to facilitate the team’s search for better ways for the scrum process to work for it)。 这些改进工作可以添加至下个迭代中,作为一个非功能性工作,回顾会议最不...
Starting the transition to an agile development process like Scrum is easy; succeeding with Scrum and becoming a genuinely agile organization is harder. Not only does Scrum introduce new ways of working, it requires new ways of thinking about that work. Becoming agile is an arduous process that...
Free scrum learning guide for all scrum teams. Learn about agile software development. More free scrum resources are available.
You believe an agile software development method might be the right answer for your team or … ADAPTing to Agile You know that you want to become a more agile development organization, but you aren’t sure how to … How To Fail With Agile Not everyone involved in an agile transition wants...
Agile Software Development with SCRUM 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 373 作者:M Beedle,M Beedle 摘要: Many software development firms are now adopting the agile software development method. This method involves the customer at every level of software development, thus reducing the impact of ...