In this invention, pharmacologically active compounds are prepared by a process comprising: a) selecting at least one peptide that modulates the activity of a protein of interest; and b) preparing a pharmacologic agent comprising an Fc domain covalently linked to at least one amino acid of ...
(tBri)maentdhyfllubeonrizdeensep, eTcMieBs)thanatd dfelucroeraidseetshpeelceinegstthhoatf tdheecrcehaasnentehlse, lceanugstehs aofdtehcerecahsaeninetlhse, cinatuesnessitay dofecthreasseepienakths.eTihnitsenfascitysuogfgthesetsse thpaeat kths.eTihnicsofrapcotrsautigognesotfs tthheastethmeoid...
66 rreeaalliizzeedd NNIIRR--IIII fflluuoorreesscceennccee,, ttwwoo--pphhoottoonn fflluuoorreesscceennccee,, aanndd MMRRiimmaaggiinnggooffAAββininAADDmmoouusesemmooddelesl.s.InInadaddidtiiotnio,n6, w6 awsaaslsaolsaoblaebtloe teoffeecffteivcetilvyeilnyhiinbhitibseitlfs-ealgfg-argegg...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Article In Vivo Comparison of the Phenotypic Aspects and Molecular Mechanisms of Two Nephrotoxic Agents, Sodium Fluoride and Uranyl Nitrate Alice Bontemps 1, Laurine Conquet 1, Christelle Elie 1, Victor Magneron 1 , Céline Gloaguen 1...