2009,International Encyclopedia of Human Geography P.Rees Explore book The Ageing of the World’s Population The most important consequence of the demographic transitions is population aging. Population aging is the process that results in higher average ages and higher shares of the population being ...
Ageing population is one of the most fundamental socio-economic transformations of the twenty-first century, with significant policy implications. China, t
The projected rapid rise in numbers of people age 60 and older from 1 billion in 2019 to 2.1 billion in 2050 underscores the significance of population ageing. Urgency is underscored by the fact that the majority of older people are in low- and middle-income countries. Many older persons ...
Dramatic global increases in future numbers of people with dementia have been predicted. No multicentre population-based study powered to detect changes over time has reported dementia incidence. MRC Cognitive Function and Ageing Study (CFAS) undertook b
Built environment 15-Minute walkable neighbourhood Older adults Cognition Cross-sectional study Population-based 1. Introduction The high prevalence of cognitive impairment in ageing urban populations presents a growing challenge for individual quality of life, health-care systems, and the sustainability of...
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander when we are speaking of law, policy, practice at a national level. As far as we are aware, we do not have any Torres Strait Islander community members in this study, however the majority of the Torres Strait Islander population lives on mainland Australia...
The study population was conditioned on confirmatory responses to the question: Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetes (high blood sugar)? (Not including diabetes associated with a pregnancy) in the individual questionnaire. Those who answered “yes” were categorised according to whether they ha...
Society’s response to population ageing requires a vision to harness extra years of life, ensure that these years are spent in good health, and that these can be used to do what people value through-out the life course. A fundamental transformation in policies and institutions is required to...
The study area is England and Wales and the analytical geography is the 2011 definition of the Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOAs). This scale provides good geographical detail (7,201 zones with fairly even population sizes: median c. 7,500). The time frame of the disability-free life...