Age-Structured Model Demographics A mathematical model which divides a population into different age classes in order to evaluate the effects of age-dependent infection, morbidity or mortality rates or age-specific vaccination schedules, and other factors. ...
TheBasicAge-StructuredModel Plus-groupage TheStock-RecruitmentRelationship Thefunctiongdeterminesthenumberofoffspring(age0)asafunctionoftheeggproduction.Typicalexamples: Notethatthismodelhasnostochasticcomponents,i.e.itisadeterministicmodel(sometimescalledan“age-structuredproductionmodel”). SomeAssumptionsofthisModel...
2) age-structured population model 年龄结构种群模型 1. Numerical analysis of anage-structured population modelwith space-limited recruitment; 有限空间年龄结构种群模型的数值分析 3) age-structured SIR epidemic model 年龄结构SIR流行病模型 1. Anage-structured SIR epidemic modelwith leaky vaccination; ...
age-structured epidemic modelbasic reproduction numberoptimal controlCovid-19parameter estimationThe dynamics of infectious disease transmission depends on social contact patterns and the precautions people take to minimize disease transmission. The social contact pattern varies depending on the community at ...
In this chapter we apply the results obtained in the previous chapters to age-structured models. In Section 8.1, a Hopf bifurcation theorem is established for the general age-structured systems. Section 8.2 deals with a susceptible-infectious epidemic model with age of infection, uniform persistence...
Age structuredContact matrixMathematical modelCoronavirus disease 2019 is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.Kenya reported its first case on March 13,2020 and by March 16,2020 she instituted physical distancing strategies to reduce transmission and flatten the epidemic curve.An ...
Age-structuredmodel Optimalcontrol Gradientmethod abstract Theoptimaltreatmentstrategieswithanage-structuredmodelofHIVinfectionareinves- tigated.Theage-structuredmodelallowsforvariationsinthevirionproductionrateand thedeathrateofinfectedTcellsasafunctionofage,whichisthelengthoftimesinceinfec- tion.Theoptimaltherapyprotoc...
An SIRS Age-Structured Model for Vector-Borne Diseases with Infective Immigrants In this paper, we develop a SIRS age-structured model with infective immigrants. We consider a fraction of the juvenile immigrants and a fraction of the ad... N Budhwar,S Daniel,V Kumar - Springer, Singapore 被...
Here we present an age-structured model for the immune response to an HBV infection, which takes into account contributions from both cell-mediated and humoral immunity. The model has been validated using published patient data recorded during acute infection. It has been adapted to the scenarios ...