age-structured population modelRiesz–Fréchet–Kolmogorov theoremsemigroups of operators00A7134G2047D03In this article, we discuss an age-structured SIR model in which disease spread not only through direct person-to-person contacts, but also spread through indirect contacts. It is evident that age...
We present a modified age-structured SIR model based on known patterns of social contact and distancing measures within Washington, USA. We find that population age-distribution has a significant effect on disease spread and mortality rate, and contribute to the efficacy of age-specific contact and...
SIR流行病模型无病平衡点模型描述脉冲周期This paper discusses the application of a pulse vaccination strategy to prevent and control some infectious diseases,which is described by age-structured SIR model in which susceptible and recovered individuals are structured by chronological age,while infected ...
The organization of this paper is as follows: in Section 2, we formulate the discrete age-structured SIR epidemic model and derive the basic reproduction number R0. In Section 3, we discuss the global stability of the disease-free equilibrium and the endemic equilibrium. In Section 4, we dev...
This paper studies a two-age structured SIRS epidemic model with logistic growth of susceptible population and two-time delays. We simultaneously introduce two-time delays, i.e., the immunity and incubation periods, into this dynamic system and investiga
2) age-structured population model 年龄结构种群模型 1. Numerical analysis of anage-structured population modelwith space-limited recruitment; 有限空间年龄结构种群模型的数值分析 3) age-structured SIR epidemic model 年龄结构SIR流行病模型 1. Anage-structured SIR epidemic modelwith leaky vaccination; ...
1) the age-dependent epidemic model 年龄依赖的流行病模型2) age-structured SIR epidemic model 年龄结构SIR流行病模型 1. An age-structured SIR epidemic model with leaky vaccination; 一类带有漏隙的疫苗的年龄结构SIR流行病模型 更多例句>> 3) Age-structured MSEIS epidemic model 年龄结构MSEIS流行...
Age-Structured SIR Epidemic Model Hisashi Inaba Pages 287-331 Epidemic Models for HIV Infection Hisashi Inaba Pages 333-377 Variable Susceptibility, Reinfection, and Immunity Hisashi Inaba Pages 379-442 Basic Reproduction Number \(R_0\) Hisashi Inaba Pages 443-501 Mathematical Tools...
年龄结构SIR流行病模型 1. Anage-structured SIR epidemic modelwith leaky vaccination; 一类带有漏隙的疫苗的年龄结构SIR流行病模型 更多例句>> 3) age-structured SEIR epidemic model 年龄结构SEIR传染病模型 4) the age-dependent epidemic model 年龄依赖的流行病模型 ...
In this paper, we are concerned with an SIR epidemic model with infection age and spatial diffusion in the case of Neumann boundary condition. The original model is constructed as a nonlinear age structured system of reaction–diffusion equations. By using the method of characteristics, we ...