St Paul’s, Pinstone St Sheffield 14 City Bunhill Burial Ground London 239 St Martin in the Bullring Birmingham 505 Crossbones Burial Ground London 148 Priory Yard Baptists Norwich 63 Where intermediate age categories were used (eg, 10–13 years), or some individuals within the cemetery fell...
Present address: Maurice Wohl Clinical Neuroscience Institute, King’s College London, London, UK Authors and Affiliations Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 90089, USA Nirmal K. Sampathkumar, Juan I. Bravo, Yilin Chen, Prakroothi S. Danthi...
Elderly people are being denied a dignified death because of age discrimination, finds a new report from the UK charity Help the Aged and Sheffield University.Only 8.5% of people aged over 85 who die from cancer do so in a hospice, compared with 20% of all people with cancer, says the ...
Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Clark-Wilson, A., Robutti, O., & Thomas, M. (2020). Teaching with digital technology. Zdm Mathematics Education, 52(7), 1223–1242. Article Google Scholar Clark-Wilson, A., Donevska-Todorova, A., ...
Flinders M et al (2016) Democracy Matters: Lessons from the 2015 Citizens' Assemblies on English Devolution. In: Project, T. D. M. (ed). ESRC Economic and Social Research Council: Sheffield, UK. Font Monté À (2016) Colau admet que Schneider ha abandonat el projecte de 'smart ...
The Role of Co-Housing in Building Sustainable Communities: Case Studies from the UK. School of Architecture, The University of Sheffield, UK, n.d. 15. Dove, C. Radical Housing: Designing Multi-Generational and Co-Living Housing for All. RIBA Publishing, 2020.
The HES in Sheffield has also been running weekly fast-track clinics for new suspected nAMD referrals, led by highly trained and experienced nurse practitioners. This allows for: discharge at the outset for false positives or further referral to other specialties; referral to Low Vision Aid (LVA...
• DSc degree from Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK • Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) Research Fellow, Sheffield University Religion Christianity Ethnicity White British Address 2720 Noyes Street, Evanston, IL 60201-2072, USA Food Habit Non-vegetarian Hobbies • Travelling • Swim...
Stone EM, Braun TA, Russell SR, Kuehn MH, Lotery AJ, Moore PA, Eastman CG, Casavant TL, Sheffield VC: Missense variations in the fibulin 5 and age-related macular degeneration. N Engl J Med. 2004, 351: 346-353. 10.1056/NEJMoa040833. PubMed CAS Google Scholar Lip PL, Blann AD, ...
79. Stone EM, Aldave AJ, Drack AV, MacCumber MW, Sheffield VC, Traboulsi E et al. Recommendations of the American Academy of Ophthalmology task force on genetic testing. Available at: recommendations-genetic-testing-of-inherited-eye-d. Accessed 22 ...