Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Clark-Wilson, A., Robutti, O., & Thomas, M. (2020). Teaching with digital technology. Zdm Mathematics Education, 52(7), 1223–1242. Article Google Scholar Clark-Wilson, A., Donevska-Todorova, A., ...
Little attention has been paid to the importance of social media in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature. This deficit is redressed in the
Rather, raising the moral level of the congregation was the principal concern of the preacher. Consequently the Coptic preacher had no interest in rhetoric as such." 141 Vgl. P. Brown, Die Keuschheit der Engel. Sexuelle Entsagung, Askese und Körperlichkeit am Anfang des Christentums, ...
In proposing the discipline, Efremov's main concern was palaeoecological interpretation since, according to him, most fossils, especially those from continental environments, were "alien" i.e. did not inhabit the places where they were found. This was later emphasized by Shipman (1981), who ...
7 a condition of increasing public health concern.6 In addition to evidence that contemporaneous factors such as physical activity and diet influence adult fat and lean mass,8,9 there is growing evidence that factors such as growth during gestation, infancy, childhood and adolescence may also have...
involving the hip and spine carry a higher risk for recurrent fracture than fractures of the distal extremities [9], and also have an evidence base to support empiric therapy on the basis of fracture alone [10,11]. Equally important is the concern that multiple fractures carry greater risk ...
From northern China, millet agriculture spread to Korea and the Maritime Russian Far East by 3500–2700 BC. While the expansion of agricultural societ
(2020) agreed with these results and found that GPA underestimated CA by 4 months (p < 0.01) in Caucasian males [55] from Sheffield (United Kingdom). When analyzed by age, the Scottish study by Hackman and Black (2013) published that in males aged 0–2 yrs, the GPA underestimates the...