Against the man)Also found in: Thesaurus, Legal. Related to Against the man: Ad hominem argument, Ad hominem fallacyad hom·i·nem (hŏm′ə-nĕm′, -nəm) adj. 1. Attacking a person's character or motivations rather than a position or argument: The candidates agreed to focus ...
安乐哲 | 反对个人主义,支持个体性:爱默生式罗思文简评 [美]安乐哲 著 郑开胜 译本文发表于《比较哲学与比较文化论丛》第15辑内容摘要:罗思文(Henry Rosemont Jr.)在他的《反对个人主义》(2015)中提出了一个令人信服的观点,即迭代反复的原教旨个人主义业已成为一种有害的意识形态。该意识形态与我们时代众多紧迫...
The idea of a ‘national divorce’ – a parting of ‘red’ and ‘blue’ states into separate national agglomerations – has been floating around the conservative ecosystem recently, especially on the fringes of the too-online far-right. This idea has bubbled up several times over the past de...
Even if Google pays out the €1.5B fine, it's still just chump change for a $T (Trillion Dollar) company. What really is fining Google (and other tech companies) right now, is the sunk cost fallacy called AI. They just can not stop hallucinating (cuz they keep feeding AI with digita...
The analysis revealed numerous fallacies including the direct ad hominem—portraying evolutionists as racists, unreliable or gullible—and the indirect ad hominem, where evolutionists are accused of breaking the rules of debate that they themselves have dictated. Poisoning the well fallacy stated that ev...
But this approach conflates personhood's ontology and normativity insofar as it stresses the primacy of the former while implicitly presupposing the latter; it thereby suffers from a 'Normative Fallacy' by inferring from 'ought' to 'is'. Following my critique of Cognitivism, I sketch an ...
his writings over the years, the experience seems to have left him frustrated with anyone who points to external forces — especially racism — as having a negative impact on their lives. Indeed, in one 2015 comment, Robinson argued that the idea white people enjoy advantages is a fallacy. ...
I see you missed it, Starbuck, but that fallacy was thoroughly debunked years ago. Blaise Pascal isn't in heaven or hell now, he is simply no longer alive, and his body has rotted away. By melior (not verified) on 10 Jul 2008 #permalink Dave Mueller, To think that everyone who dis...
mainstream media is biased against them. While the charge was always overblown, there was at least some basis for this. Journalists at elite newspapers and broadcast outlets overwhelmingly lean Democratic in their political views. At the same time, they tend to have a corporatist, status-quo ...
s observations at the point where it learns that it’s in a training process. In theory at least, this might influence its intentions. By analogy, after humans learned about evolution, a bunch of people started making the “appeal to nature” fallacy by justifying certain behaviours because ...