api.autoSizeColumns(colIds):根据指定的列自动调整宽度,使其适应内容的宽度。 api.setColumnWidth(colKey, newWidth, finished):手动设置指定列的宽度。 监听容器大小变化并重新调整宽度:如果容器的大小会发生变化,例如窗口大小改变或者容器内部内容的变化,可以通过监听事件来重新调整 ag-grid 容器的宽度。常见的...
import "ag-grid-community/dist/styles/ag-grid.css"; import "ag-grid-community/dist/styles/ag-theme-balham.css" import {AgGridVue} from "ag-grid-vue" import "ag-grid-enterprise" //关键依赖:引入之后组件才会生效 1. 2. 3. 4. 其中:ag-grid-enterprise 是非常关键的依赖,一定要导入,aggrid组...
在JavaScript代码中创建一个ag-grid实例,并配置相关选项。 代码语言:txt 复制 var gridOptions = { columnDefs: [ { field: 'name' }, { field: 'age' }, { field: 'country', rowGroup: true } ], defaultColDef: { flex: 1, minWidth: 100, resizable: true }, autoGroupColumnDef: { headerNam...
我正在使用框架ag-grid(),我已经将行高更改为50 px。 <AgGridReact rowHeight={50} columnDefs={columnsTaenze} rowSelection={'multiple'} onFirstDataRendered={this.autoSizeAll} rowDragManaged={true} enableColResize={true} animateRows={true} rowData={this.props.tabledata} enableFilter={true} o...
The example below shows Column Definitions usinginitial attributes. Note the following: TheinitialWidth,initialSortandinitialPinnedare applied only when the columns are created. If you update the width, sort or pinned of a column by interacting with the grid's UI and then hit 'Set Columns with...
However, when the last column is swapped or moved elsewhere then resize it. The grid width is not filled and produced an amount of white-space.It was noted in the docs that, If you manually resize a column with flex either via API or dragging the resize handle, flex will be ...
Below shows callingapi.refreshCells()with different scenarios using a mixture of therowNodes,columnsandforceparameters. From the example, the following can be noted: The grid hasenableCellChangeFlash=true, so cells that are refreshed will be flashed. ...
{ flex: 1, minWidth: 80, }, colDefs: [ ..., { headerName: '操作', field: "id", cellRenderer: optionCell, pinned: "right", }, ] } }, mounted(){ this.context = { componentParent: this } }, methods: { onGridReady(){ }, optDetailClick(rowId){ this.$refs.LineInfoDetail...
the column widths or the grid width? Author tonyeung commented Jan 12, 2016 I'm assuming the structure of the grid is like below (some elements omitted for brevity) ag-root ag-header ag-header-container ag-header-cell // width being set here ag-body ag-body-container ag-row ...
.ag-header-group-cell-label{flex-direction:row-reverse;} Sticky Label When Column Groups are too wide, theHeader Labelis always visible while scrolling the grid horizontally. To suppress this behaviour, set the column group propertysuppressStickyLabel=true. The example below demonstrates the followin...