api.setColumnWidth(colKey, newWidth, finished):手动设置指定列的宽度。 监听容器大小变化并重新调整宽度:如果容器的大小会发生变化,例如窗口大小改变或者容器内部内容的变化,可以通过监听事件来重新调整 ag-grid 容器的宽度。常见的事件有resize、scroll等,可以使用 JavaScript 监听这些事件并触发相应的宽度调整逻辑。
import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { AgGridReact } from 'ag-grid-react'; const GridExample = () => { const [columnWidths, setColumnWidths] = useState({}); const onColumnResized = (event) => { const columnId = event.column.getColId(); const newWidth = event...
1.1、ag-Grid的tool panel具体效果图为 tool panel-摘自ag-Grid 我们自定义无非是创建一个div根据aggrid的表格数据生成一个树形结构,在用这个树形结构的按钮控制column的显示与隐藏,树形结构我们可以使用antd的tree,话不多说上代码 1.2、先使用ant的sider,创建一个customersider来包装tree <CustomSider width={0}clas...
api.setRowData(this.tableData); } ag-grid列固定 public get gridOptions(): GridOptions { const that = this; return { headerHeight: 30,// 表头高度 rowHeight: 30,// 行高 //stopEditingWhenGridLosesFocus:true, columnDefs: [//列定义 /*{ headerName: '分组', field: 'PathName', width:...
"gridParameter", "searchText", "getRowNodes", "showPaged", "roleGrid", "peopleGrid", "userRowClick", "frameworkComponents", "cellMouseOver1", ], name: "App", components: { AgGridVue, pg, // GridEditButtons: demo, }, computed: { ...mapGetters(["columnSaveState", "now_page"])...
我已将我的 ag-grid 版本从 7.2.0 升级到 v14.2.0。当我将 sizeColumnsToFit() api 与 onGridReady 或 onGridSizeChanged 事件一起使用时,它可以工作,但它会保留不必要的水平滚动,可能是由于网格的错误计算。
The advantage of referencing components by name is definitions (eg Column Definitions) can be composed of simple types (ie JSON), which is useful should you wish to persist Column Definitions. Providing Additional Parameters Each Custom Component gets a set of parameters from the grid. For example...
AG-11492-Column-model-refactor b31.3.2 AG-11320-just-packages AG-11586-Tree-data-performance AG-11320-tree-shakeable AG-11304-use-charts-api-component AG-10555-indentation-level-variable try-sub-entry-points vue3-work ag-grid-minimal
👉 Full suite of 1:1 Grid components: Column headers, rows, filers, inputs, buttons, menus, tool panels, and much more. 📖 Thoroughdocumentationfor all features within the Figma file, as well as a comprehensive set oftutorial videos. ...
**default_column_parameters: Any ) 参数 dataframe(dataframe)- 网格中显示的基础数据 gridOption()- ag-grid 的选项字典 - 如果 None,将使用 GridOptionsBuilder.from_dataframe() 调用创建默认网格选项 height(int)- 网格高度,默认为 400 px width(None)- 网格宽度,默认为 None ...