┗CC Simple Wire Removal →CC简单金属移除 Color Difference Key →色彩差异键 Color Key →色彩键 Color Range →色彩范围 Difference Matte →差异蒙版 Extrace →提取(抽出) Inner/Outer Key →内部/外部键 Keylight(1.2) →Keylight(1.2) Linear Color Key →线性色彩键 Luma Key →亮度键 Spill Suppresso...
Click the word Offset. This selects both of the animation's keyframes. A keyframe marks the beginning or end of an animation. We have circled the keyframes in our Timeline below. Now go to Animation>Keyframe Assistant and choose what changes you would like to make. If you choose Time-Re...
Frame Blending→帧融合 Motion Blur→运动模糊 Adjustment Layer→调节层 变换←Transform ┗Reset→复位 Anchor Point→定位点 Position→位置 Scale→缩放 Orientation→方向 Rotation→旋转 Opacity→不透明度 Auto-Orient→自动定向 三维层←3D Layer 添加标记←Add marker ...
To retract or extend direction handles, drag the direction handle toward or away from the center of its keyframe with the Selection tool. To split direction handles, Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac OS) a keyframe with the Selection tool. You can also Alt-drag (Windows) or Option...
(1)打开Adobe After Effects CS4,建立新的合成层。选择Composition>New Composition (合成>新合成层)菜单命令,或者使用快捷键Ctrl+N。在弹出的合成层设置对话框中设置合成层参数。在Basic(基本)选项卡中分别设置Preset(预设)、Width(宽度)、Height(高度)、Pixel Aspect Ratio(像素纵横比)、Frame Rate(帧频)和Duration...
Here’s how to set your keyframes and enable interpolation in After Effects To start, choose an object within your Composition and access the Transform menu underneath it. Then, click on the stopwatch icon beside the Position attribute. This action not only sets a keyframe but also enables ke...
45、关词组(一)Save Animation Preset保存动画预置 Apply Animation Preset应用动画预置Recent Animation Presets最近使用的动画预置Browse Presets浏览预置 添加关键帧 Add Keyframe切换保持关键帧 Toggle Hold Keyframe 关键帧插值 Keyframe Interpolation. 关键帧速率 Keyframe Velcity. 关键帧助手 Keyframe Assistant Conve...
Turn the spatial interpolation of one or multiple keyframes into linear. For sure it only works on spatial properties like ‘Position’ and ‘Anchor point’. To do so, just make a keyframe selection on your timeline or directly in your comp viewer and press the Linearize Button (L). ...
So now that we have a clear (or at least semi-opaque) understanding of interpolation and motion path, let's take a look at the different types of keyframes available to us in After Effects. Each one of these keyframe types comes with their own unique keyframe icon. 1. LINEAR KEYFRAMES...
11、 Frame As 帧另存为File文件Photoshop Layers Photoshop 图层Pre-render 预渲染Save Current Preview 保存当前预览Open in Essential Graphics 在基本图形里打开position Flowchart 合成和流程图 (Ctrl+Shift+F11 )position Mini-Flowchart合成和迷你流程图(Tab)VR虚拟现实四、Layer图层New新建Text 文字(Ctrl+Alt+Shif...