创建新合成:启动After Effects,点击“新建合成”(New Composition)。设置合成名称、分辨率、帧速率和持续时间,然后点击“确定”。2. 创建Shape Layer 新建Shape Layer:在时间线面板中,右键单击空白区域,选择“新建”(New) > “Shape Layer”。在工具栏中选择“矩形工具”(Rectangle Tool)、“椭圆工具”(El...
Masking, Animating any object, etc. Adobe After Effect has many different types of command and tools for making it’s working easy. The shape layer is one of them. Generally, in Adobe After Effects, we work in layers like other adobe software, so when we draw any basic shape, it become...
Why would After Effects have a different logic for shape layers and AI layers? So a comp like this with separate AI layers looks great: comp_ai_layers - ai_layer_2 - ai_layer_1 - ai_layer_bg But as soon as I convert the AI layers to shape layers the problem occurs. com...
AE形状动画教程After Effects_ Shape Layers 外链地址 上传教程 分享教程 下载视频 发布者 步步高 关注 找我干活 所属标签: AE 形状 动画 教程类型: 普通转载教程 教程等级:【初级教程】 5,459 次播放 共浏览:6,278 次 课程介绍 本教程主要讲解AE形状动画教程 猜...
Adjust shape layers with shape transform controls Click the arrow to the left of the shape name in the timeline to open its options. Note the Transform controls for each shape in addition to the Transform options of the shape layer.
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註解: Similar to adjustment lights, you can enable the Adjustment Layer switch for an environment layer so it appears only in 3D reflective layers below it in the layer stacking order. 註解: If you parent an environment layer to a layer with negative scale, the orientation is flipped (as ex...
第1 课时:课时1:00_00 What is After Effects 01:08 第2 课时:课时2:00_01_Welcome 01:12 第3 课时:课时3:00_02_files 01:19 第4 课时:课时4:00_03_Relinking missing footage 01:54 第5 课时:课时5:00_04_Working with keyboard shortcuts 01:24 第6 课时:课时6:01_01_whatis 00:59...
官方网站:https://www.udemy.com/after-effects-tutorials-advanced-shape-layers 本站原创资源发布会标注。任何个人或组织,在未征得本站同意时,禁止复制、盗用、采集、发布本站内容到任何网站、书籍等各类媒体平台。如若本站内容侵犯了原著者的合法权益,可联系我们进行处理。
In this series of tutorials, we will talk about some of the different ways you can create and utilize shapes in After Effects. We will start by going over the basics of using the shape tools to make shape layers and the difference between parametric and Bezier paths. We’ll explore the ...