1. 导入和准备素材 打开After Effects并创建一个新项目。 导入你的视频素材,并将其拖到新的合成中。 2. 应用3D摄像机追踪器 选择你的素材层。 在效果和预设面板中,搜索并应用“3D摄像机追踪器”(3D Camera Tracker)。 After Effects会自动分析视频并生成跟踪点。这可能需要一些时间,取决于视频的长度和复杂度。
Modify and animate After Effects camera settings to configure the camera to match the real camera and settings that were used to record your footage.
●“New Premiere Pro Sequence”(新建Premiere Pro序列):启动Premiere Pro软件,并新建一个序列,在Premiere Pro中对此序列的操作可以实时反映在Adobe After Effects CS5软件中,实现两个软件的协同操作,弥补Adobe After Effects CS5软件在剪辑方面的不足。●“Import Premiere Pro Sequence”(导入Premiere Pro序列):启动...
I have a question regarding camera tracking in After Effects. I tracked this scene/shot before and it worked fine, but I might have pressed a button that turned off the ability to select tracking points/hovering over them doesn't give me a target/bullseye e...
Camera Settings: Use 2-node camera: Select the option if you want to use a 2-node camera. Use 3D Null camera Control: Select the option if you want to control your SkyBox Camera via a 3D Null layer. Center camera: Select the option if you want to center-align the camera. Advanced...
要把After Effects CS4新功能完完全全地详细说明清楚太难了;我只把一些主要的改动写下来。除此以外,AE CS4的新东西还有一大把,包括: 一个新的Unified Camera工具允许你在Orbit, Track XY, and Track Z之间快速切换,前提是有个三键鼠标。 3D light的图标随着Light类型的不同而不同。
034 后效颜色管理设置(034 After Effects color management settings) - 大小:12m 目录:3ds Max制作无人飞机 资源数量:40,3d视频教程_软件,3ds Max制作无人飞机/001 欢迎使用中的产品可视化3DS max,3ds Max制作无人飞机/002 你需要知道的,3ds Max制作无人飞机/003 使用练
项目设置 ← Project Settings... 打印← Print... 退出← Exit Edit菜单 撤消副本 ← Can’t Undo 不可重复 ← Can’t Redo 历史记录 ← History 剪切← Cut 复制← Copy 仅复制表达式 ← Copy Expression Only 粘贴← Paste 清除← Clear 副本← Duplicate ...
10、ew 视图Brushes 画笔Camera 摄像机Character 字符Auto-Trace 自动跟踪New Viewer 新建查看器Effects & Presets 效果和预设Pre-compose 预合成Zoom in 放大Info 信息Zoom out 缩小Mask interpolation 蒙版插值法五、 Effect 特效(下面有单独介绍)Resolution 分辨率Media Browser 媒体浏览器Use Display Color Management ...
After Effects > juni 2024 update | Camera Raw import color issuesHello, ever since the june update I've got a big color difference between Camera Raw and the timeline.It looks like a wrong profile, but whatever I do in the color settings (project) or RAW settings t...