The origin of AARs goes back to the United States army. Around the turn of the century, they started developing a new approach to learn quickly, at any location. They referred to it as the After Action Review (AAR). Initially, the method was developed to support training, but it was ...
U.S Army Special Forces Opener OLSOVA | 0:00 The Patriotic Trailer MotionPhysix | 0:00 Ancient Golden Logo Intro motionformula | 0:00 The Warrior Trailer for After Effects SZ_motion | 0:00 Special Forces Taiga2 | 0:00 Military Animated Icons LottiePro | 0:00 The Conflict Logo...
This after action report describes the TAWS, its capabilities, and the training performed; and reports the comments provided by 1AD and others about the TAWS and products provided. To fight and win the AirLand battle, the Army must field a combat fora that can move quickly and lethally ...
Learning in action: a guide to putting the learning organization to work: Harvard Business Review Press; 2003. Salter MS, Klein GE. After action reviews: current observations and recommendations. Vienna Va: Wexford Group International Inc; 2007. Book Google Scholar United States Army Office of ...
nothing more than a back-door version of the draft:We have you. And we are going to keep you until we no longer need you. The traditional policy of allowing troops a two-to-one ratio of “dwell time” at home between deployments was repeatedly shortened until, for the Army, the ratio...
With so many ‘one school’ economists in the corridors of power, it is not surprising that economic crisis are made to fit the policy, rather than the nature of the crisis determining the policy action. Is it unfair to see similarities between the certainty of our Westminster politicians and...
This week I did a bit of pruning on some of my houseplants and I now have a whole little army of cuttings that I’m attempting to propagate. Most likely, not all of them will take to it. But if I get one or two out of the bunch I’ll be happy! I never ever thought I’d ...
I LOVE this part the most “I didn’t wait to take action. I didn’t think too hard or plan too much about it. I just went and did it. And then adjusted course along the way.” This is one thing I always try to drill into my clients. My motto is Do > Evolve > Do > Evo...
The health care industry is not the army. Most people in the health industry, even those fairly high up on the chain, are not there because they want to participate in a massive deception. What convinced me to get vaccinated is the work on excess mortality. ...
Per usual, Beyoncé brings in an army of incredible writers and producers to make everything glisten just so. But she’s the undeniable maestro. The five-track sequence from “Cozy” to “Break My Soul” is a breathtaking journey of instant classics, chart-baiting empowerment pop transitioning...