The traditional Chinese medicine NiuBeiXiaoHe (NBXH) extract and Chinese medicine preparation JieHeWan (JHW) exhibit anti-tuberculosis effects. The anti- tuberculosis effect of NBXH was compared with that of JHW to elucidate the mechanism of action of NB
Sample size The selection criteria focus on veterans with mTBI such as those who are routinely seen at the TBI clinic at the DC VAMC. The sample size calculations are based on at-test for comparisons of mean change in the Community Reintegration of Service Members (CRIS) subscale, one of th...
2.1. Study Design, Population, and Sample A cross-sectional study was conducted using data from a previous study that identified factors associated with post-traumatic stress disorder among 820 military personnel. The study population worked in line-of-defense activities during the COVID-19 pandemic...